Chapter 26

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Lucas's Pov
Rylan looks at me and walks off and get in the bed. I look at her and lay next to her. She lays on her pillow and I pull her closer to me and She lays her head on my chest and We fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and I see Rylan isn't in the bed. I get my phone and I call her but she doesn't answer. I shake my head and I call King and wait for him to answer.
Phone convo
Me: wassup bro
My nigga: where you at?
Me: I'm at my girl house
My nigga: you better be talking about Rylan
Me: duh nigga
My nigga: I'm just making sure
Me: ima text you the address slide thru
My nigga: aight
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I text Rylan. I get up and walk downstairs and I sit on the couch and turn on the tv. I text king the address and I try calling Rylan again. I hear a knock on the door 40 minutes later and I get up and open it and I see King. I step to the side and I let him in. "Wassup bro." He walks in and looks around. "Wassup and where Rylan at." I look at him. "I don't know I been calling and texting her but she hasn't been answering." He looks at me and says. " Taila probably be with her cause she left the house too." I look at him. "She still needs to answer the phone." He shakes his head and looks at me. "Don't start shit when she comes back." I look at him. "I can't promise you that." He shakes his head and I watch tv for a few hours and I get my phone and check the time. King gets up and looks at me. "Hit me later on bro." He leaves and I get up and lock the door. I hear the door opening and I get up and I see Rylan walking in. "Where you been?" She looks at me. "I was out Lucas." I look at her
"Don't play games with me Rylan." She looks  at me. "I'm not I don't know what you're talking about." I look at her. "Then Tell Me, Where you been all day." She rolls her eyes. "I was with Savanna and Taila." I walk up to her and say. "Rylan I'm not playing games with you." She says. "Nigga I just told you where I was damn." She walks off and storms upstairs. I walk upstairs and I walk in the room and look at her.
    Savanna's Pov
I get up and walk in the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for it to get hot. I pin my hair up and take off my clothes. I get in the shower and I take a shower and get out 30 minutes later. I dry off and put on some shorts and a tank top. I walk out the bathroom and I grab my phone and call Rylan. I wait for her to answer.
Phone convo
My # 1 hitter🅿️💯: wassup
Me: you must be with Lucas
My # 1 hitter🅿️💯: mhm and you must be with Cameron
Me: we need to link up
My # 1 hitter🅿️💯: aight just slide thru and ima invite Taila
Me: I see you got a new friend
My # 1 hitter🅿️💯: I'm not replacing you suh and she cool
Me: mhm aight you better not replace me
My # 1 hitter🅿️💯: I'm not and hurry up
End of convo
I hang up and grab my keys and walk downstairs and go outside. I get in my car and drive Rylan's house. I pull up at her house and I see her sitting outside and she walks up to the car and gets inside.I look at her. "Where my brother n law at?" She rolls her eyes. "He sleep but drive to Lucas house." She gets on the phone and I drive off. She hangs up the phone and I glance over at her. "So I'm guessing you forgave him." She nods her head and I pull up at Lucas's house 30 minutes later and Taila comes outside and gets in the car and Rylan looks back at her. "Taila this my sister Savanna and Suh this Taila." I look back at her and smile. "Wassup." I drive off and Rylan looks at me. "Where are we going exactly?" I glance over at her. "We going to the mall cause I need me some new shoes." She shakes her head and turns on the radio. We pull up at the mall and get out. We walk inside and Taila looks at her and says. "Lucas didn't come home last night." Rylan says. "I know he was with me." She looks at Rylan and then at me. Rylan phone rings and She puts her phone in her back pocket and I look at her. "If that's Lucas you better answer the phone." She shakes her head. "He don't want nothing." We walk inside Forever 21 and I walk over to Rylan. She looks at me and says. "What?" I shake my head and She walks off. Taila walks over to me and says. "I'm glad they made up." I nod my head. "I am too." Me and Taila walk over to Rylan. We walk out the store and Rylan looks at me. "What shoes you trying to get?" I look at her and say. "I need me some Jordan's and Pumas." She nods her head and She gets her phone out her back pocket and me and Taila look at her and we both say. "He gone beat yo ass." She looks at us. "He can try." I go and look at some Jordan's and I pick them up and I walk over to a worker and ask. "Can I have these in a size 6?" She gets the shoe and walks to the back. I wait on my shoes and I get the box and I walk to the front of the store and wait in line. I pay for my shoes and we walk out the store. I look at Taila and I shake my head. We walk out the mall and get in my car. I put my bag in the car and I get in my car and I wait on Rylan and Taila. I drive off and I look at Rylan. "Where to next?" She looks over at me. "I'm hungry so go to chick fil a." I nod my head and I drive to chick fil a. I turn on the radio and I pull up in the drive through a few minutes later.  Rylan looks at the menu and says. "Give me the Chick-n-strips with a sweet tea."I order her food and Taila gets her something. Rylan looks at me. "You not hungry?" I shake my head and pull up in the drive through. I look at Rylan. "You know when you get home you and Lucas gone argue." She looks at me. "We not cause he didn't want nothing." I get the food and drink and Rylan hands me the money. Taila says. "Maybe he wanted to see where you was?" Rylan shakes her head and I hand her the change. I drive off and Rylan look at me. "Where we going?" I glance at her. "I'm taking you home." She shakes her head and looks out the window. I pull up at her house a few seconds later and she gets out and I drive off.

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