Chapter Two: Attic

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What ever was covering my head is pulled off and after the blinding light reseeds I see a tall figure putting tape over my mouth. He then walked towards the only door in the room, which was to my right. The person turned to look at me before walking out the door, naming him Jake from State Farm as his face was covered and he was wearing kakis. The door clicked shut and a secondary click told me he locked it.

I look around the room, h-frames with cleaning chemicals and rags. There is another frame behind me holding tools and ,interestingly enough, a couple bottles of tequila. Glimpse of my duck tape bindings, about five around the wrist and two around two of the frame support poles.

There was also a flip knife within hand distance and I think to myself how stupid could a guy be. Then I remember the football team I spoke to last year and there perky blonde headed cheerleader girlfriends. I picked up the knife and put it in my back pocket seeing as it would be no use to get out of my bindings to meet a locked door.

About an hour later there is a jingle of keys and the door opened. Revealing no less than Duck the first guy I ever talked to. He used to be small and average weight, almost white hair and dark green eyes. Now he is average height though skin and bones, coal black hair. Only thing not changed are his eyes, he walks in and grabs a set of scissors and cut the bindings around the frames and then pokes my back. Why does everyone one seem to hate me?

He says "move it", pushing the scissors farther into my back creating an effective hole of blood and pain. He pulls the sack back over my head and we walk out the door. I should try to remember the turns we take and how far we go in between. Though as the door shuts behind us he pulls the scissors away and starts to spin me until I nearly fall over.

Keeping me up, we walk up two sets of stairs and finally the sack is taken off my head as I see a metal pole in front of me. Duck spins me around and rebinds me with rope before cutting away the duck tape bindings. Then he walks away and down the stairs.

I heard a faint "Good Luck" from the stair well, wondering faintly what he meant I started taking in my surroundings. I appeared to be in the attic, open space with multiple support points all metal. I am latched to one of them closer to the back, the stair case on the opposite wall. To the left there is a ladder leading up to another platform hidden in the ceiling, assuming the ladder leads to the roof.

Knowing what I am going to use as an escape route, I pull out the knife from my pocket and start to work on the ropes. I here voices faintly coming towards me, so I quickly finish the 1/4" rope off and scatter up the ladder. Once I get there I realize there won't be time to check the door so I lay down and listen.

A female voice says "You like hurt Becca don't you? You keep begging for it with all the out of line actions you have taken"

Since when have I been out of line? She could not be thoughts cut out by a male voice.

"Elizabeth, she escaped", he sounded like he was bored almost and had a slight southern accent. I had been to Texas over the summer it was lovely from a nice air conditioned car.

"Well, then go find her she could not have gotten to far in thirty minutes unless Ducky let her go. My name is Lizzy, Jared, I have told you that a quad-trillion times."

"I don't care about what you called yourself, I am just here to make sure you don't kill the girl yourself" Wo what no, not going to die today who are these people to decide the length of my terrible life anyways.

"Though she has been following me since we were six, always trying to butt in where she wasn't wanted."

"Then why did you keep her around?"

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