Relations Broken and Reformed

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"WHO IS THIS?" Was the first thing I heard form my father that morning. No hello, good morning, how are you, whats wrong with your life. Nope just straight to the person next to me, so as he seems to not care about my life in any sense or way I respond with the following.

"What do you care?" I responded, which I realize was idiotic concerning that either way this will end up with me leaving and him buying another six pack.

"He is in my house."

"And the problem with me having an actual friend over is....."

Then Allen piped in "friend right......"

While George was saying "He is a bad influence on you." At this time I got up and started walking towards the front door.

I responded with"How? How is he worse than you?"

"Ever sense he showed up you have been getting hurt." I grabbed my backpack from beside the black, morbid door, and ran upstairs.

"Did you ever think he was the reason I am not dead yet? And if you get your self out of those bottles and bars maybe you'd notice I been getting hurt ever sense mom left." I screamed, while grabbing most of my sets of clothing and books.

"Don't you think it is hard on me too? Losing your mother and having to take care of two children." Walking back downstairs to grab one of my favorite books.

"Yes, I think it is hard though that is no reason to be a drunken bastard around you kids. Especially one that was already in the bottle."

Heading towards the door he grabs my arm pulling me back from the door and towards the kitchen. I know what happens it always does the knife comes out and new scars form everytime. Trying to avoid the impossible I struggle and yanked from the strength that only a man can have. Though nothing seemed to be able to losen the grip on my forearm. I had completely forgotten who had been with us until a hand came in contact with my dads face. Could I even call him that anymore after what he had done, who he had become over the years was nothing like a dad.

Finally reconnecting with reality after babbling to myself I saw the fight before me, a clash of blood and sweat. Panic over filled me the tears unable to be held back any longer found their trails down the sides of my face. Then I ran as I always do from things that scare me, out the door and through the streets. I had no idea where I was going, I just ran and let my feet lead the way. The air was brisk and it started to rain eventually, the pavement darkening with tiny streams flowing across it.

The shelter I found eventually turned out to be behind a library where there was graffiti on the wall and one word stood out "Deserters". The word seem to say you are home in a cold way, yet that could just be the the wind and a crazy lady talking. I made myself comfortable as possible in one of the trees nearby, the rhythm of the rain pushing me into sleep.

I woke up in the back of a old GMC pick-up, with soaking clothing and limbs that were asleep and tingling. I finally realized my left wrist was being lifted and wrapped. Though I never remember being cut or any pain. Trying to wake up as best I could I saw the only face I trusted right now. Allen.

"Don't move" was all he said and no matter how much I trusted him, for some idiotic reason I still moved. Pain shot through my body like an electric pulse.

"What did I tell you?" I looked around after the pain settled, we were near Joe's diner...which is on the other side of town from the library.

" did I get here?" I asked slowly, the smell of burning diesel filling the air around me.

"It was better than the chair you were strapped to." I turned in alarm, straps? Chairs? I was in a tree last I remember.

He saw this and said "You were out the whole time, they sedated you so there would be no screaming while they hit you. Thats why you have been out for a few days, it took me a few hours to find you but I figured that checking the deserted warehouses would be a good place to start. Turns out they were using an old milling warehouse to hold you. Any how your not there now and your safe."
"Who they?"
"Road Scavengers."
"How long?"
"Five days"

Five days would put us at Saturday, which seem fitting, a day was needed to relax, instead of hide. Eventually I was able to move and got into the front seat, Allen started driving off towards a highway. Today is Saturday and there is no school so where could we go. Also it was still fairly early in the morning. The answer I later found out was an old drive in movie theater. Back behind the Exxon fuel station, which need several new pumps.

After a few movies it was easily night and then he spoke so low it was almost a whisper under his breath, "I am sorry"
"Why?" Saying accusingly.
"You can only trust me now I made you exactly what you feared you are."
"Aren't you here?"
At this point he stopped, with a look of confusion and deep thought. Then he said a simple integer, not anything special just a number, the number of course was "42"
When I asked "42 what?" He inly responded with "You will see soon enough."

Time seemed to go on forever as we sat and watched "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" with John Wayne. I started to fell my eyelids fall with increasing frequency, so I let my body slip to the side and sleep with my head rested on what seemed to be a pillow(aka a lap).

To my surprise there were no dreams that haunted me in the sleep only emotions that danced to their songs in my head. Many of sorrow and yet some of joy remained with its sweet lullaby battling the hard rock of so many other emotions which had been filling my head many times in the past couple of weeks. Yet it all came to an end when I woke up to the sound of someone else saying "the answer is 42" except this time it was from a deep, meaning full yet some how girly and over confident voice. Deep Thought from Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy was the only reasonable answer and I looked up to find exactly that.

Realizing my pillow was gone I started to sit up and found a note on the dash. The movie was coming to an end which I have yet to figure out how that is possible as the forty-two part is at the beginning. However this meant I could change my focus to the note in my hand. It was written in a tight, long, and hardly legible hand writing, almost like my doctors. Who I swear writes so badly the nurse screws my prescriptions up. Thats were I wish I could use the point of view gun on them to force them to write better so the rest of us would get better quick with the right medications. And maybe 90% of the stupid colds would go away because there won't be a place to get it from. Anyways back to the white piece of paper, it read:

I will be back towards the end of the movie, don't
worry I'll be back before you know I was gone.

As if exactly on time he hopped into the car, and another old John Wayne came on. I guessed they liked there westerns. I started to ask where have you been? Though he cut me off and instead said "to make arrangements"
"For what" I replied

You know he never gave me a response though to his defense I did kinda fall asleep after I said that. Which is interesting because I didn't remember having a pillow.


Okay, so I know this one was short, but it was good and there were many events. Some were unexplained though details about those will be shown through out the rest of he book, though as of now they are a mystery. Vote and comment new event ideas are greatly appreciated.

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