Chapter One: First Day

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BEFORE YOU START READING, if you are a new reader skip to the second chapter named First Day. This is what is left over of an old POV, so if you want to read please do but it may spoil the new chapters and the new chapters will be a bit slower with more detail. The description will also be changed to the new POV.

My name is Rebecca Hinawen, and I live in Allentown, PA. I have five amazing friends, or so I thought, and this is my story.

The first day of high school, I have always imagined to feel like a milestone or a checkpoint. That lasted until I reached my bus stop, I live in a small community and I'm the only one on my bus. I stand waiting there and as time passes, I realize the time the bus was scheduled to come by has come and gone. I start walking in the direction of my new school, which is two and a half miles away. Knowing it will take me an hour to get to school by walking, I start wondering about how my friends are doing, and if I will have any classes with them this year.

When I get to the school, I tell the secretaries my name. After checking the school roster, they tell me I'm not in their program. I asked them what school this was. In perfect unison they replied, "Louis E. Diedurff High School".

Well, this is just great.

Not only am I late to school, I am at the wrong one. Hoping someone will understand my problem, I explain to the secretaries, and ask for a ride. One of the ladies kindly offers to take me to William Allen High School. Not only does she drop me off, but she also vouches for me after my schedule is sorted out, and says my dad dropped me off at the wrong school.

Being fully relieved that the first part of my day has been fully taken care of, I start off to my classes. First comes Calculus, where I see a couple off my friends though there is not a spot to sit near them so I find my self next to James Ventri. He is smart though extremely quiet, though when he does talk he has a deep rough voice. He has dirty blond hair and eyes so light blue they appear gray in direct sunlight. He isn't a body builder though he has some muscle tone to him, his face is very squared off and so are his shoulders. He stands 6'5" and plays a wild game of basketball when you get him away from his education.

The class starts off with the usual paper work distribution that is due tomorrow and the basics of the class are given. As we near the middle of the class I notice the two of my girl friends that are in the class keep on glaring and pointing at me during the lesson. Towards the end of class the teacher explains how he uses punishments though today would be an exception seeing as it is our first.

When the bell rings we get lunch then three more classes, though before I even reach my locker I am grabbed by the wrist by Haley. We have been friends since elementary school and she has never liked contact so you can see why I am surprised. My other friend Cassandra, we call her Casey was standing behind her.

I let out a weary "Hi" as her hand is still gripping my wrist

She replies "What the hell do you think you were doing back there?"

"Listening to my calculus class requirements" I respond quickly.

"No, you were sitting next to my next guy, don't you dare do that or even try to make contact with him if you do i will bash your head in"

I rip my wrist away from her "What the hell is wrong with you? I have done nothing to you, why do you suddenly seem to hate me?"

"Nothing is wrong with me, I am perfect not a hair out of line, you however are a slutty bitch. I heard about what you did in France over the summer, getting all the guys in the city to follow you to the ends of the Earth."

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