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• 8/31/18 •

so many sleepless nights, you hadn't heard from kwite in days. you were scared shitless, you two usually call at least once every week, but he hadn't been active on discord since he talked about moving to y/h/t. did you do something wrong? was he mad at you? you lost your trail of bad thoughts when you heard your phone ringing, it was your cousin, diesel. you answered. "what's up fucker?" is what you were greeted with upon answering, he knew how to make you smile. "not much bighead hows you?" you both chuckled. "i'm goin' to pick up the balding hoodie man up from the airport but he's not landing until 5 so i wanted to ask if you wanted me to come pick you up?" your heart pounded. "TODAY?" you yelled down the mic of your phone. "jesus christ y/n my fuckin ears! and yeah, he's coming today, do you wanna come with or nah?" you internally screamed, today of all days? the day you just so happened to be sweaty and disgusting and was planning to stay in bed until tomorrow? of course. why wouldn't it be? "UM SORRY NO IM VERY BUSY BYE" you mumble quickly before ending the call and checking the time, 4:30pm. you had, thinking about the distance from your place to the airport, about an hour to get ready and make yourself look decent. before you did anything you shot him a message on discord;


you then scrolled through a playlist in your phone and decided to play 'all i wanna do' by jay park (really good song btw y'all should listen to it) on your bluetooth speaker before you hopped into a hot shower and prepare to meet your best friend and possible future boyfriend, kwite.

THIS WAS SHORT IM SORRY HHHHH,,, i'm sorry for being gone for a month and a day, i'm doing a double upload to make up for ittt. please forgive me i had a lot of homework and all that mess. n e ways, i hope y'all having a good day and have a good evening also~~. ciaoooo

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