Helping Levy

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~Erza's POV~

What did Lucy mean by it's all part of the plan? Aren't Skye and Flint siblings? Does Skye like Flint in that kind of way? Is she jealous? What is Lucy hiding from us? Well I just have to ask Lucy.

~Lucy's POV~

After we went into the bathroom and helped Skye wash up. The three of us went to class and found Gajeel and Flint talking. The three of us went over to them.

Lucy: Hey you guys what are you talking about?

Gajeel:*whispers* The plan.

Girls: Ohhhhh.

Flint:*whispers* Honestly I don't like this Lasagna chick. She's very ugly but it's for the plan so I will have to pull through.

Lucy:*whispers* You should at least remember her name you know. Her name's Lisanna.

Flint:*whispers* Yeah yeah I don't care.

Skye:*whisper* Don't I have to start tomorrow?

Juvia:*whispers* Yep.

Gajeel:*whispers* I have an idea. I know that Flint didn't agree to this but we need to do this. We are going to bring Orion and Aria.

Lucy:*whispers* Yeah Gaj is right we are gonna need all the help we can get.

Flint:*whispers* Alright then.

-Time skip after school-

Natsu: Hey Lucy can we talk?

Lucy: Sure.

Honestly I am scared of what Natsu has to say. I hope he didn't find out about us yet. If he did then we would have to move and honestly I think it will hurt Gajeel and Juvia.

Natsu: Lucy....... I um uh I uh I havefeelingsforyou!!

Lucy: What? Speak slower.


Lucy: Natsu take deep breaths. Calm down then talk.

Natsu: Ok. Lucy I have feelings for you.

Lucy:*shocked* Wait What. Did I hear you correctly.

Natsu: Lucy i have feelings for you.

Lucy:*blushes* Why me though?

Natsu: Well you are strong, smart, beautiful, amazing........perfect.

Lucy: Natsu no one is perfect in this messed up world.

Natsu: You are perfect in my eyes Lucy.

Lucy: Well then Natsu I have feelings for you too.

Natsu: Really!?! That's great Lucy!!!!

Lucy:Yeah it is.

Natsu: Well then let's go tell everyone!!!

Lucy: Can we tell them tomorrow I need to go do something.

Natsu: Ok then. Well I'm walking you home as a good boyfriend would do!!

Lucy:*blushes* Natsu you didn't even ask me!!

Natsu: *smirks* Well cuz if i did I would already know the answer. After all you did say you liked me back.

Lucy: You win!! Now let's go!!!


~Time skip:Next day at school~

Natsu: Hey guys!!!

Gajeel: Hey Salamander.

Gray: Hey Flame Head!!

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