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Annika was one of those people who had a rock solid intuition

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Annika was one of those people who had a rock solid intuition. So, she did know that Gauri was hiding something from everyone. Her sister, unlike her, was a very goal oriented person. When her Maasi had called Annika up to tell her that Gauri had difficulty to choose the course she wanted to do, Annika was fairly surprised. She couldn't believe without any proof that Gauri let go of her fashion dreams. Seeing Shivaay and Gauri behave secretly further confirmed her doubts. Though Annika was quite hurt that Gauri chose Shivaay over her, she was happy her sister had some means to fulfill her dreams. Someone else getting chosen over her wasn't new to Annika anyway.


"Did you pack your jackets?"

"Yes I did!"

"Leg warmers?"



"YES!" Annika gritted her teeth. Shivaay noticed her annoyance and felt that he did stretch it too far. She didn't like it when people treated her like a kid but in his defense, he didn't want her to feel cold. He knew that Annika trembled in 18 degree air conditioner, so Jim Corbett would be colder for her. His eyes fell on the Bushnell binoculars he had got for her. He noticed how the things he had got for her from the US were untouched. Maybe he should have given it to her himself instead of putting it in the shelf for her to notice. But back then, he was busy fighting off awkwardness and Annika had made no efforts to help with that. Although, it would have been way more awkward for her, he realized. He picked up the box and handed it to her.

"This one is for me?" She raised her eyebrow questioningly.

"No, for the neighbors. They were complaining that they couldn't see what was going on in our house properly. So I figured I'd help them!" Shivaay said with a flat tone that for a minute, Annika wondered if that was true. Looking at her expression, Shivaay rolled his eyes. "Yes. They are for you!" He clarified.

"Then why would you say that they were for the neighbors? I believed you!" Annika pouted.

"Seriously? Would you believe anything I tell you?" Shivaay asked in disbelief. His satire wasn't too concealed for it to go unnoticed.

"Of course. I do trust you!" She casually said and took the binoculars from his hand to pack it with other things. Shivaay stood rooted, for he did know his wife didn't trust anyone easily. If she was vocal about it, then it was indeed a big responsibility for him, wasn't it?

Annika pulled the bags to the corner of their room and turned to give Shivaay a glare. He ignored it of course, and it did infuriate her more. Who packed three days prior to the trip anyway? Well, her husband did. He had dragged her from the dining room after dinner to make her pack. Well, that wasn't it. He made her clean her side of the wardrobe. He did most of the work of course, but she was dying to go back and play FIFA with the guys. However, Shivaay wouldn't let her. She stomped her way to the couch he was seated in and peeped in to see what was up. He was going through some mails and he suddenly looked up to her, which made her jerk up.

"Well, why don't you go through those blue files Annika? They have some important finances. It would be able to tell you how much of financial management you've understood. Might help with your internship!" His excitement made the energy she had in her wear off.

"You are probably the only man in this world that spends his time with his wife by making her go through files! What a boredom have I married into!" She exclaimed dramatically, making Shivaay chuckle.

"Well, I don't think you are ready for my idea of spending my time with my wife love," He winked at her and went back to his laptop. Annika went through the files beet red.


"I won't be coming to college from Friday! No more Professor Saxena, at least not for a week!" Annika squealed as they went out their classrooms in the evening. The whole day, Annika had done nothing but talk about their trip. Her love for wildlife was something Sushant and Mallika had known quite well. And it was no secret that Annika's favorite childhood memory was her trip with family to Pench National Park. Her only qualm about that trip was that they couldn't see tigers, otherwise she loved it. The only times she would talk about her parents or Sahil was when she mentioned that trip. Sushant smiled at Annika's childlike excitement. He hadn't seen Annika that way in a really long time and it warmed his heart to see her smile. He had to accept, Shivaay was good. He had never seen Annika talk about someone with so much respect. He couldn't help but think that the man wasn't bad, but the real question was, was he good enough for Annika? As if on cue, Shivaay stood leaning against his car waiting for Annika. He spotted them and Sushant noticed how his eyes immediately went to their hands. If he didn't like Sushant and Annika holding hands, he didn't show it. Annika rushed to Shivaay when she saw him and Shivaay tugged her closer to him. Sushant couldn't help, but chuckle at his possessiveness. Mallika started chattering with Shivaay immediately and he responded with wit. There was no way one couldn't like this guy, which was for sure.


"I can't believe you are making me choose socks!" Annika complained.

"You volunteered!" Shivaay protested. "Plus I'm not good at this!"

"Sock shopping? How does it matter?" Annika rolled her eyes as she took out some grays and whites. Shivaay had been bothered about the international conference he had to attend in two weeks. Shivaay being Shivaay, hovered around the closet and decided he did not have the right clothes. So, Annika had offered to help him. But she realized what a grave mistake that was, because her husband was the fussiest man alive.

"If we are on it, I think we can get you some cool stuff!" Annika pushed him into the trial room and handed him things he wouldn't generally wear. But she gave him no time to say a word. By the end of it, Shivaay had a beach look, a biker look and a mountaineer look. All from the 'cool' stuff Annika picked up. Shivaay had made a mistake, he realized. As if to add up to this regret, she took him to a hair stylist.

"I'm NOT getting a hair cut!" Shivaay pulled her to him and murmured to her ears. She shrugged it off and explained to the hair dresser how she wanted his hair to be. In no time, Shivaay heard sharp snips. He has his eyes closed; he couldn't watch the horror that was happening.

"Gosh, you look so handsome that I'll cry!" Annika squealed. Shivaay opened one eye and looked into the mirror opposite to him. The low fade Loose Pompadour gave his features some lift. He hated to admit, but the hair was good. And the look his wife had on her face was solid evidence. When they reached home, everyone had a mini heart attack to the fact that the eldest son of the house had a complete makeover on the very first shopping trip with his wife. After a lot of chortle, everyone retired to bed. After all, a trip with a safari that could change their lives was long waiting...

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