Part 16 - Unconscious

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They say not to marry young. But stereotypes are made to be broken. That's why I said yes to Draco. I felt ready, I knew I was ready to take that step with him by my side.

It was our last day at Hogwarts. I woke up with his hands all around me making me unable to move even an inch. I remember sleeping together last night. After all these tense emotions and what happened yesterday I was so overwhelmed I couldn't go to sleep. Until I did.. : )

"Morning beutiful" he said seeming like he had woken up already.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Half an hour"

"Then why didn't you get up?"

"You're too cute when you sleep ok?"
He said and gigled.

"It's our last day here. We won't see this place again. After eight years and a war and everything we thought felt or experienced here is over! Everyrhing that we did here will always be a memory. This is our home! What are we going to do?" I asked in a semi panic attack.

"We will get married, buy a house and grow old together with our children." He said sounding confident.

"Are you being serious?"



Ginny and Harry were waiting for us at the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Hermione, Draco! Over here!" She shouted pointing two seats across them.

"I should go to my table" Draco said in despair.

I grabbed his sleeve.

"You are not going anywhere." I said in full certainty and stubborness.

"What do you mean? What if we get caught?"

"I don't give a shit. It's our last day and I am spending it with you." I said turning around to face him.

"That's the badass Hermione I love" He said kissing me but smiling under it.

"Do you think we should do that in public I mean-"

"Hermione. The whole fuckin wizarding world probably already knows it." He said leading me to the Gryffindor table.

"Oh my god! It's our last day here we are leaving in a few hours! Can you believe that?" Ginny said looking like reality just hit her hard on the face.

"Yes. And no." I said looking at Draco.

We finished and went up to start packing.


We were sitting in our compartment in the Hogwarts express talking. I couldn't believe this was it. All of these memories left locked behind now starting our new life. In one week Harry and ginny were getting married and in some time after, it was our turn.

"We are going to goodbye some friends ok? See you in a bit" harry and ginny said before leaving hand in hand.

"Probably going to snog arent they?" I asked laughing.

I then noticed Draco looking at me with a rather unusual look that I felt I had seen before.

"What are you doing there Malfoy?"

"Just thinking that I still haven't figured out how to sit across from you and not be madly in love with everythinng you do"


Tears wee filling my eyes as I saw Kings Cross station coming closer and closer.

Draco took my hand and led me out of the compartment.

We were standing just on the verge of the train's exit.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"Always" I said.

And we stepped on the cold hard pavement making our first step to our brand new life.


It was finally the day of Harry and Ginny's wedding. I was really excited and nervous because I got to be one of the bridesmaids along with Luna. Best men was obviously George and Neville and we were all so excited.

Ginny said we could wear any dress of our choice but not white for obvious reasons. I chose a green emerald one with lace all over because as i have aready said I was always attracted to green. And now I have one more reason to be attracted to it.

We were behind the chapel door moments before the wedding ceremony

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We were behind the chapel door moments before the wedding ceremony. And then the doors opened.

I started walking with George beside me and behind us followed Luna in a beautiful baby blue dress with Neville beside her.

When we took our positions left and right of Harry who was already there Ginny entered the chapel. She was glowing of happines in her gorgeous silk wedding dress and walking slowly beside mr. Weasley who was on the verge of tears.

Harry was looking at her with the most love stuck look I have evr seen.

All went well and the vows were so romantic and loving.

After the ceremony we went to the Burrow where a beautiful arc of flowers had been raised leading inside the garden full of tables.

We took our places and then it was time for the best man to talk. They decided that George should speak because well.. it would mean a lot.

"Ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears for a moment." He said making us all laugh.

His speech was great full of emotion and love for his sister and Harry. George was already married to Angelina and they are a very happy couple. "Thanks again, you can have your ears back and cheers to the newlyweds!" He said ending his lovely speech.

Harry and Ginny had the first dance a slow one with some dim lights all around. It was perfect. And then the rest of the people joined the dance floor.

"Care to dance? " Draco asked me bringing back memoried from theValentine's ball. I took his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. We slow danced for one or two songs and I must say that I was really dump not to recognize him that day. His eye colour and look is really unique I must say.

We sat back to our table and talked with Neville and Luna. It was all perfect.

"Excuse me but I have to use the bathroom." I said politely leaving them continue their conversarion about this year's quiddich world cup.

As I was leaving to go back to them someone grabbed me from my waist, blind folded me and closed my mouth with his hand.

"You are coming with me." Said a muffled familiar voice before something big hit me on the head and threw me uncontious.

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