Life 0: Quit Being a Hero, Probably Not.

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Greeting wattpad readers.

This is, as you may have noticed, a crossover story of Legend of Zelda and Highschool DxD, featuring Link from both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. The story begins many years later after Link returned from Termina. Many events had occurred before the beginning of this story, which will be revealed as the story progresses.

I wanted this story to resemble a light novel, which is the reason I've made images for each chapter, corresponding to important scenes, and I hope you like them. Also, every Youtube link is a song recommendation for specific scenes, which can help improve the reading experience. You are free to use them should you enjoy immersive music while reading.

Now, enjoy the start of a new adventure of the Hero of Time and the beginning of the plot of my Itherverse. This will be one hell of an adventure, so expect epic battles, funny interactions and the awesomeness that Link and his other self, the Fierce Deity will unleash!

You have been warned...

- Frank


*Unknown Voice*

"THOU, YoUng Hero, whO WiLL DeFYeSt The lAwS oF HeaVEn anD hEll, AWAKEN! FoR thOU SHaLt mEeT wiTH The CriMSoN DeSTIny ThaT ThInE Own GodDesSEs haST ChoSEn fOR ThEe!"

Part 1

He opened his eyes very slowly and his blurred vision readjusted to the surroundings. He blinked several times while waiting for his sight to become clear. It was not crystal clear but...clear enough. A cream coloured ceiling came into view, yet it was not from the room, but of the luxurious bed he was resting upon.

The nineteen year old man let out a weary sigh, his left hand trailing over the soft and thin fabric the sheet were made of. His hand then stopped before it began to move faster, patting around the empty area of the bed.

'Maybe that was just a dream, but that voice... was it another...?'

The young man whose hair was as brilliant as gold sat over the comfy bed, yawning as he did with arms stretching upward. His sapphire blue eyes peered through the almost transparent purple fabric that hung over the bed's entirety, as he noticed the sunlight entering from the rather big balcony window doors.

That meant one thing for him. It was time to leave.

The naked blond man with pointed ears stood on his feet and walked towards the bathroom across the hall. Inside, he stepped into the roomy shower, using an advanced hydraulic magical system created by one of the most renowned alchemists of this Era. Zubora, along with his partner, Gabora, an expert blacksmith, had built it.

The system consisted of elemental magical orbs and steel pipes, when put together, had created this very useful invention. Not necessarily an amazing creation, but it really improved the hygiene of the populace. That's why the Ruler of the mythical Kingdom of Hyrule had been spreading this invention around to every province bit by bit.

Though it was not like anyone was interested in knowing that.

Back to the scene at hand, the blond shook his head after drying himself with finely-made towels, finally noticing the luxurious objects and decorations within the bathroom. To begin with, the pipes were made of gold, the toilet and the sink made of smooth white porcelain, an expensive material exported from another kingdom.

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