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"Hey, calm down." The blonde didn't have a look of worry on her face as she tried to soothe me. For a moment I got lost in her eyes, but quickly snapped out of it when I realized how much trouble we both would get in, especially me. "Are you serious? You might not remember, but no distractions is a rule for me. I've already gotten in trouble before, this isn't some game." I continued to pace back and forth in the small space of the blondes tour bus. "I know that, Y/N." It was now almost 2:00 A.M. and I did not know what to do, yelling at Dinah is all I have been doing and that isn't helping much. "Well, you sure aren't acting like it. Seriously, Dinah, I feel like your little toy. All you've been doing is dragging me around everywhere you want to go!"

By now Ron probably would have returned back to his golf cart and reported the keys are missing. I could either go try to return them or not do anything. "I'm sorry. Okay?" Dinah got up from her bed and walked over to me, grabbing my hand. "It was never my intention to make you feel like that. I just wanted to have fun. At least I thought you were having fun."

"Dinah, in all honesty, you've been the reason we are always doing something we shouldn't be." I let go of her hand and stepped away from her. A look of hurt spread on her face, which she quickly covered with a scowl.

"If I'm such a huge problem, why not leave me the fuck alone? Huh?" Dinah didn't raise her voice at me, but she didn't have to for me to hear the defeat in her voice. I turned around, so the blonde couldn't see how she affected me. Maybe I was harsh, but I won't take back what I said. "Y/N? Can you just..." I looked over my shoulder at Dinah and she averted her eyes from mine. "Ugh! Can you just leave?"

"Are you serious, Dinah?!" I faced her to which she looked straight ahead. "Look at me. Dinah, look at me." I was pleading with the girl to get her attention, but it's like she cast me in the shadows. "Fine," I passed by her, making sure to pick up the pair of keys that started all of this mess. The only sound present was the dangling of the keys as I exited the bus. I did the same thing to her as she did to me and put her in the back of my mind as I slammed the door shut. I just can't believe she would tell me to leave. Like I was the one who did something wrong. I'm over her annoying spontaneous adventures and irresponsible ways.

I continued to walk on the bumpy gravel as I made my way back to my bus. I was so angry I didn't even remember to get my shoes. The cold ground and the cold air only made me feel even worse. So now I'm barefoot and Dinah just kicked me out. "Great," I fumbled in my pocket and found my phone, turning on the flashlight. The bright light blinded me for a second as I saw the unforgettable golf cart sitting in the same place where we left it. I crossed my arms over my chest and walked over to the vehicle. I placed the keys back where we found them. The security jacket was still there. I was freezing cold and it seemed like my best bet right now, so I quickly grabbed it and put it on over my top.

"Hey, kid. You alright?" I knew it was honey eyes without even looking her direction. I played with the zipper on the jacket. "I'm fine." I was about to ignore her until she spoke again. "You sure? A girl walking around without shoes on and in a bright ass windbreaker, doesn't seem fine to me." I looked down at my feet and wiggled my toes. I turned towards honey eyes and she was standing on the stairs to her bus, causally leaning on the door. It might be dark, but I can still see her golden, unearthly eyes. "I said, I'm fine. Okay? So, back off."

"Hey, I couldn't care less, but I don't think Dinah would like it if I left her girl out in the cold with no shoes." She stepped down the stairs and made her way to me. A gust of wind blew her hair and I pulled the jacket closer together. "I'm not her girl." She reached for the name tag and let out a small laugh. "What does she have you up to?" I rolled my eyes and let out a long breath. "Come on, Y/N. You might be fine with freezing, but I'm not." She was about to head off.

𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡  ─ 𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐇 𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now