America's Sweetheart

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We all pierced our eyes at the television anticipating her appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. Everyone kept glancing over at Mike because we all knew how excited he was to see her, even if it was just through a tv screen. He wasn't the only one excited. I was too.. probably more than Mike actually.

See, Mike is her best friend. But me? I am the love of her life. She just doesn't know it yet...

My thoughts were interrupted by gasps and by Jermaine saying, "look!" as he softly nudged Mike. I rolled my eyes and looked at the television.

There she stood. Lilly Anne Lola. Her pretty, smooth, tan skin. Her beautiful eyes that looked like pools of caramel that under looked her long eyelashes. The freckles that were carefully placed around her nose. Her long, curly reddish-brown hair that fell down to her mid back. She was wearing a green polka dot dress. I always thought she looked gorgeous in the color green. It complimented her being a ginger. God, she's beautiful.

I couldn't help but to feel like I was being watched. I tore my eyes away from the tv screen to see all my brothers (including Mike), staring at me.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

Mike giggled as he shook his head.

"God, she's beautiful" Jermaine said in a mocking tone.

I said that out loud?

I blushed in embarrassment as I ignored them all and continued to watch tv.

Mr. Sullivan asked her a lot of questions about her acting and modeling. What's it like being a 16 year old superstar. Blah blah, but what caught all of our attention was when he asked her asked about us.

"Lilly, you know I have to ask about your relationship with the Jackson family. You all seem to be very close. How'd that happen?"

She smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

"Well... they're like my second family. I love all the boys. We met about 4 years ago and since then, we have been the greatest of friends."

"Who do you spend the most time with Lilly?" He asked in anticipation to bring up a specific someone.

She smirked and answered almost right away.

"Definitely Mike. He's my best friend and when we get the chance to hang out we are two peas in a pod."

I was hoping she'd bring me up next but she didn't. We weren't that close because most of the time I was too busy being jealous of her relationship with Mike and plotting how to make her mine. Stupid, I know.

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