Slifer Slacker, Obelisk Opressor

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In the midst of the dark night, a hunched person left the hospital, his mood in miserable and awful. He hadn't felt that bad ever since his sponsors had laid him off.

After he woke up, he had rushed to check his deck; only to notice that his card was gone. Blackbird must've taken it. It was part of the deal, after all.

Still, he couldn't help the seeping disappointment that soaked him from head to toes, making him shed a silent tear on his way back home. Kissing his come back dreams goodbye, he shuffled home looking only at the ground in front of his feet, only snapping out of his reverie when he bumped into someone.

“S-sorry”, he stuttered, making an effort to move past the other, but he was stopped by an arm of his wrist.

“Mistah X”, the other person growled out, making him wonder if it was a past hater or anyone else that recognized him from his days on the stage. “I'm here to win over the card. Duel me.”

It made him confused until he remembered what had transpired previously on the evening. He had been acting rather crazed himself in pursuit of the card that Blackbird possessed. Meaning, the card this man was talking about was probably the “Radiant Rock Star” card he had lost today.

“I'm sorry”, he started to explain, but the other's grip tightened. “I won't take ‘no’ for an answer.”

To his horror, he was able to make out his Duel Disk activating itself on his left arm, the stranger pushing him away to do the same.

With a shriek of terror and the realization that he had finally been released, he tried to run, only to be hit with a slight shock, leaving him gasping on the ground, looking up to the stranger with wide, fear-stricken eyes.

“I told you, I'm not taking no as an answer. Don't worry, after you dueled me for the card, I have no reason to keep the electricity connected with your duel disk up. It'll all be over once you lose. So man up and face me!”

With shaking legs he stood up. He had no choice. “Duel!”, he called, his smirking opponent doing the same.


“Wait, you're actually a Rock Star?”

Zael, who was sitting on his couch, legs up his small coffee table, let out a loud laughter, turning to Chazz, floating behind the coach, eyes widened and mouth hanging open. Jesse, also sitting on the couch, or rather, pretending to sit, chuckled softly.

“You realize this now? After spending an entire day with me? Really?”, he gasped out in between laughter, making Chazz turn red in shame. “Yeah well, I never asked and you never told me! And you weren't doing Rock Star stuff! How should I know!”

“Yeah, cause Mistah X didn't talk to me the whole time using my alias. And we were not talking about Idol business all the time. And this place is totally not a Luxus suite and completely normal for a 15-year-old like me. And we it's not like we went through a whole bunch of security and a worried manager to get here. And…”

“Shut up, I get it!” Jesse and Zael just laughed at him. Chazz just faced his back to them, his arms crossed, eyes closed and teeth gritted.

He looked at the Television Jesse and Zael were looking at over his shoulder, a picture of a smiling Zael in the news. “...Popular Singer 'Blackbird’ is taking a break to complete his education…”, the reporter said, making Zael screech in protest. “Education? I'd never leave my fans for something so dumb!”

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