Focus! The Start of the Preliminaries!

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Sighing, Jayce looked behind a container, frowning when he found nothing again. “Zael was totally lying. I checked every damn back alley in town but I still didn't find anything. Oh! Maybe I should go out of town!”

Nodding at himself, he left the alley again, checking his watch for the time. “Hm, it's already late. Maybe I should continue to search tomorrow …” Nuzzling his nose into the collar of his jacket, he started to walk towards his home slowly, tuning the late evening conversations of the people out.

“Why do you need a spirit like that anyway? You have us!”, a voice whispered to him, making Jayce shake his head. “It's not like I'm trying to replace you guys. It's just …” Jayce looked like he was contemplating what to say for a moment. “It's just, well, Zael, Chazz and Jesse looked like they had a whole bunch of fun doing stuff together. You know you can't tell me stories of your life as a duelist, help me with my deck and sometimes give me tips during duels, Iron Man. It's like finding a new friend! So forgive me if I am self-centered, but I'd really like to experience it, do you understand?”

Iron Man sighed. “I guess I do but … I can't help but feel like it's unnecessary! You have all of us behind you and me as your ace card.”

“Iron Man, stop being jealous. Whatever Jayce does we should stand behind him, as you said. Even if he wants to find some special card no one has ever heard about”, another spirit interrupted, making Iron Man glare behind his mask.

“You always have to have the last word, huh? Keep out of my business, Doctor Strange!”, the spirit snarled at the other, he just rolling his eyes.

“It's our business. Also, talking about last … Jayce, you are aware that tomorrow is the day of the preliminaries?”

Jayce eyes widened in shock, scrambling to check his watch. “Oh God! You're right! I can't believe I forgot! I spend so much time trying to find a card that I didn't prepare anything for the Duel World Tournament at all! I'm so stupid!”

“Well, it's still not to late! If you go home right now, you can still prepare!”, another voice added. Jayce nodded. “You're right, Spider Man. I'll go home right now!”

With those words, he started rushing home, dodging other people in his path.

“Jayce, watch out for root there!”, Doctor Strange warned, but it came too late, as Jayce had already tripped and planted face-down into the ground, groaning in pain as he tried to get up again.

“You okay?”, asked Spider Man with a worried voice, Jayce only nodding. “I’m fine. Nothing hurts too bad.” Trying to get up, however, he felt something odd on his left hand, something that didn't quite feel like the ground. He looked there curiously, spotting a face-down trading card in-between his hand and the ground.

“Is this …”, he asked with wide eyes, picking it up as he got up.


“Welcome, fellow Duelists, to the Duel World Tournament!” Every screen in the city showed the same. A silver-haired woman with ice cold, blue eyes appealing to duelists all over the city with a businesslike smile.

“I, Riko Astria, your host, am happy to announce the start of the preliminaries! The rules are easy: Every player starts with a total of 500 points. Accumulate them by betting them in duels with fellow participants. Just remember that you will lose points in case of a defeat. With 0 points, you'll be out if the tournament! And after a week, the 16 participants with the highest score will qualify for the main tournament!”

Folding her arms, she continued speaking. “Remember to get the Duel World Tournament App on your phone and connect it with your duel disk. Without doing that, you'll be unable to collect points, check them or see your ranking. So now that the rules are clear, come on, let's say it together! It's … “

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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