1 | Feelings

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Screenshot Credit: RoosterTeeth

Her stomach felt all weird.

The feeling was as though butterflies or moths were fluttering in her belly.

No, it wasn't the 'period' thing Gwen had told her about. That had given her pain and was more below the flutters in her stomach.

Along with the butterflies in her stomach, were such small feelings. Such as anticipation, nervousness, perhaps even a bit of boldness. She was already bold, but when was around that particular person, Nikki had a sudden urge to do something that would impress them.

To impress someone else was a strange concept to Nikki. She never really bothered with anyone's thoughts about her. Except for Ered's, when Nikki wanted to be as cool as her, but that was before she revealed that she didn't care about Nikki.

Anyone who thought badly about her, she could just ignore, or try to shake off as though the negativity were fleas. Most she could ignore, others she couldn't.

Yet this particular person. They were a friend. Her friend.

Yet she felt the need to impress, even though she couldn't understand why. At first she thought it was like a wolf thing, how lower ranked wolves showed submission to alphas to get their favor, but if Nikki wanted dominance, she was going to get it. Through clawing, biting and scratching, she showed her dominance.

But it wasn't like that either. What was with the other feelings she felt? Nervousness? Anticipation?

Pssh, Nikki didn't get nervous, and she thought the anticipation came from anything exciting that happened. But when they were in the same area as her, she felt herself anticipating what they would do.

Those feelings didn't make sense, and Nikki tried to brush it off. Perhaps it came with her period. Gwen did warn her about hormonal changes.

It was night, and there were some problems that couldn't be fixed through thinking, and tomorrow morning promised another exciting day with her friends and that particular person.


His stomach had felt strange.

It wasn't stomachache or hunger. It was like something inside, but not actually inside his stomach. He felt it there, but those feelings were not- like inside -there.

He found it difficult to describe to himself.

It showed up when she appeared. He would do so much as lay his eyes on her, and the feelings started.

Nervousness, dread, and...embarrassment.

What the hell? Max was not one to get embarrassed. He didn't do the stupid shit that got him into a mess were everyone shamed him.

Though he was embarrassed that one time Gwen revealed Mr. Honeynuts was his teddy bear. It was grudgingly hard to forgive her, but she had rescued- or was able to find him -from the Woodscouts.

But this embarrassment showed itself from how he'd turn his head away bashfully, and if she got too close, he felt uncomfortably warm in his hoodie.

Max knew who made him feel that way.


The fuck.

She was his friend, his fellow companion, his partner in crime. And he had feelings for her?

That never happened to him. Not to Max.

He tried to crush it, push the feeling away. Ignore it for fuck's sake. But the feeling was persistent, and when he tried to put walls up, she'd show up and the walls would fall.

The gleam of mischief in her eye, the sight of her grinning, and the way she talked, about the adventures they'll have that day, and the things they'll do. She was enthusiastic about it, and being her partner in all things that spelled trouble, he couldn't help to follow.

He followed her, but it was him that made their wrongdoings- partly -successful. Max was the one with the clever brain and a knack for knowing things he shouldn't for a kid his age. Together, they made a good, no fuck that, a great team.

Was their shared partnership the reason why he developed those feelings?

Crushing the feelings would not do.

But neither would admitting it.

He liked their friendship, it was simple, it was safe. Camp wasn't going to last forever, and who knew if they would see each other again?


Max was going to dread the day that happened.

Along his feelings, there was a warm, pleasant feeling he got when he was near Nikki. It was nice, and nice was something he rarely got.

It was hard, figuring out what he wanted. But he did know one thing. He'd never admit it, not to David, not to Gwen, not to Neil, and sure as fuck, not to Nikki.

He would need to drink a lot of coffee that night.

Max dreaded what would happen in the morning, yet something in him ached to see her bright gaze and green hair...and for her to smile at him.

First chapter, done! If you need me to clarify anything, or you catch a mistake, tell me please! I hope you enjoyed it.

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