::The Outside::

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              ::Matias's POV::

      "Case number 931900428, inmate Matias Nicolas Ramirez," the judge reads off. The past five years has been the same thing ever September, a hearing to see if I will get released on parole from prison. Its become a game for me, seeing how much I can get on the judges nerves until they just take me back in. You would think it's stupid to do something like that when your freedom is on the line, but nah. I've been in here for so long at such a young age I've stopped giving a fuck.
I came in at fifteen, now I'm almost twenty. Five years behind bars, more bunkies than I can count, horrible food, minimal visits, and only thirty minutes of courtyard time a day. I prefer to stay to myself in here, but at times it's impossible. You have to make allies in here, prove yourself and your loyalty.
   "Release date 9-16-18 at 8 am." My eyes widen.
    "What?" I ask. He takes his glasses off and looks me dead in the eyes.
   "You're getting released, Mr. Ramirez," he tells me, stacking the papers together. "Now get out of my court."

     The guards beside me stay quiet at my sides, keeping hold of my arms as if I can escape from the cuffs. The police in front of doors slide them open, the brightness from outside making me squint. Its been two days since I've been outside, so it feels great. So what if it's probably over a hundred degrees, it's good to just get fresh air.
    The sounds of motorcycles fills my ears as they come into view. They line their bikes up against the barbed wire fence and get off, removing their helmets.
    "Aye," they all mumble once we get close enough. One of the guards takes the cuffs off. I move my wrists around and watch as they unlock the gate. Its been five years since I've crossed this line coming in and I never thought I would see the day I was stepping out.
     I walk away from the guards and to where the bikes are parked. "Look at him," Martine says, clapping his hand on my shoulder. "All grown up. I think he stole some of your height, Sleepy."
"Shut up, pendejo," Josiah says. Grabbing my shoulders and 'man hugging' me, slapping my back. "Good to see you, Red."
"You two, Sleepy," I say, following them over to the truck. "Mateo," I say as he hops out and runs over to me.
     "Fuck, you look different," he says, pinching the tip of his nose.
    "Five years in prison can do that to a person," I say, chuckling. "Where's Sonny?" I ask.
    "On his way, should be here any second," he tells me, leaning against the truck door as I walk to the hooked up trailer. The sight of my old bike makes it feel like I got poked really hard with a knife, but it didn't fully impale me.
    I hop up on the trailer and run my fingers over the motorcycles handlebars. "Think you remember how to ride?" Martine asks. I smirk, scuffing.
    "How could I forget?" I ask, taking it off the chains and getting on, moving it down the trailer. The sound of an engine catches our attention. Sleepy, Martine, and Mateo walk over as Sonny pulls up. He stops and turns it off, removing his shades and looks at me with furrowed brows.
    "Mateo," he says. "Give the boy his vest back," he tells him. Mateo nods and walks back to the truck. Sonny gets off and walk to me. "Welcome back," he says, hugging me. I release a deep breath. Mateos walks over and hands me the vest.
    "Let's get going. I'm sure you don't want to be here anymore," he says, getting back on the bike. "Let's go," he says again to the others. I turn on the bike and sigh at the sound. It feels weird to just he back on it, but like home. This is where I'm supposed to be, on a bike, with these pendejos, my brothers.
    "How you like the walking canvas, Red?" Martine asks me.
    "Shut the fuck up, Blue Balls," Sleepy says, throwing a rock at him. I chuckle, putting my vest back on. It feels good, like I'm myself again.
    "Your father would be proud if you, Matias," Sonny says as he gets on his bike.
    "Be proud I got out of prison at nineteen?" He chuckles, starting up the motorcycle.
    "Naw, that you didn't drop the soap in there."
         I park in front of the library, taking my helmet off and hanging it over one of the handlebars. My eyes scam over the area, taking everything in that I haven't seen in years. Children run across the street at the playground, the shops lined up have people coming in and out of them, and it's loud from construction down the road and people talking as they walk pass.
     I walk inside the library where it's completely quiet and cold. I get cold looks as I pass people because of the vest, showing what I'm apart of. As much as we say it's only an MC, we all know what goes down.
     "Hello," I say once I reach the front desk. A young girl with curly brown hair turns around from organizing books on a rack to answer to me. Her face visibly pales once she sees the patch on my vest; Los Rebeldes Orgullo.
     "How can I h-help you?" She asks, taking a deep breath. I gesture to the paper in my hand.
    "I just got released from prison, a requirement is for me to do community work as apart probation. My lawyer told me the library was a good place to start," I say. She avoids eye contact, but they're hard to notice; a light blue-green. She takes the paper and unfolds it, cringing at the wrinkles.
     "You start now," she says, pushing the rack to me, hitting my knee.
    "Right now?"
    "Unless you want to go back where you came from."

    AN: Mack is a sassy girl...for now. This is book 3 in the Danger and Tattoos Series, Birds and Bees. This is very much inspired by The Sons of Anarchy and The Mayans MC. Please be patient with updates, and I hope you enjoy the story. Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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