::The Story::

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     S O M E Y E A R S L A T E R
                 ::Eli's POV::

        "That's what happened," I say, looking up at the ceiling after telling a very long story of how my parents met and fell in love. Antonio and Zeon look down at me, their eyes finally tired. I feel just as tired as they look. Once I got home from a run it was time for them to fall asleep and I'm the type to read them an actual bedtime story. They wanted to know about their grandparents, so I told them.
    "What happened after they got married?" Zeon asks, curiosity in his seven-year-old eyes. I sigh, sitting up.
   "Everything with Xavier wasn't over even though he was dead. He had more people with him and they lost the second time around. My dad got shot and he passed away," I say, my heart aching. My eyes well up with tears. "A few weeks later, my mom...she killed herself. She didn't want to live without him." I can hardly remember my parents, but I do at the same time. Everything I know is from what my Tio Angel told me.
    "Eli!" My wife yells from the hallway. I shout up, fixing just clothes. "They need to get to sleep. School in the morning."
   "I know," I say, kissing their foreheads and telling them goodnight. We leave their room, leaving the door cracked open. She wraps her arms around my waist, kissing my chin. "Sorry for keeping them up."
    "It's okay, I heard you talking to them," she says. I look down, blinking away tears again. "What made you talk about them?" She knows I hate talking about them, it hurts me. I don't blame my mom for killing herself, I would do the same if I was in that position.
     "They asked," I say, kissing her forehead. She sighs. I run my hands over her tattooed arms.
    "Please tell me you didn't mention that Xavier is my father." I shake my head. "I love you, Eli." Even though I've heard her say that for most of my life, I still blush.
   "I love you too, Acacia." She steps back.
    "Now come to bed with me," she says, grabbing my hand with a wicked grin. I snicker, following her. "Leave the cut on," she says as I'm about to take it off.
   "Yes, Ma'am."

AN: THE END! This whole story was a story being told...a good twist if I do say so myself. I hope you guys liked this story and my choices with it. Mi Amor starts on Sunday, the 13th!
    Question: Are you happy Eli and Acacia ended up together? So much it not "being serious" 😂.
    Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Love yourself -Vaeh
   PS: This is what they grew up to look like::

     Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Love yourself -Vaeh    PS: This is what they grew up to look like::     Eli:

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