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               ::Matias's POV::

     The front door opens loudly and Mack nearly stumbles in. Her cheeks are red and she has some mascara smudged under her eyes. She gives me a soft smile as she closes the door. I reach out and pull her to my lap by her waist. She buries her face in the crook of my neck, wrapping her arms around me.
    "What happened?" I ask. She pulls back to look at me. The look on her face breaks my heart. I never knew that a certain expression from someone could have such an impact on my own emotions. Her eyes well up with tears again. "Or...or don't tell me."
     "I shot my birth mom," she mumbles. My eyes widen. "She figured out that I was pregnant and said some stuff I would rather not repeat, and I left. When Marilyn, Tina, and Maria came they forced me into telling them what happened and once again, forced me, to show them where my mom lived. We went in there and they beat her ass. I shot her without a second thought."
    I run my hand down her back, taking all this in. I don't want to accidentally say the wrong thing and make things worse. It's obvious the fact that she shot her own mom has set in and she feels guilty. "Do-do I need to...hide the body?" I ask hesitantly. Surprisingly, she giggles.
    "I shot her in the leg," she says, "she keeps a phone under her bed, I'm sure she called for help." I nod, releasing a deep breath. "Would you really have hid the body?"
    "Nothing says romance like hiding a body for your girlfriend," I say with a smirk. She leans in and presses her lips against mine. She moves over my lap so she's straddling me. I pull back and look back at the computer. I've been working nonstop to find deeper dirt on Xavier.
    "Take a break," she whines. I groan, moving her.
    "I'm sorry," I say. "This is just-"
    "No, it's fine. Just come to bed when you're done," she says. She gets up and walks to the room, taking her shirt off as she walks. I clear my throat, trying to put my attention back on the computer. Of course I feel terrible for denying her, but I need to get work done.
     What my brother "told" me in the hospital as been replaying in my head ever since I got out. It's driving me crazy. I'm exhausted, but refuse to stop even when I'm tired, cause I feel like I'm about to find something when there's nothing. All the dirt on him is the obvious shit, but I can't stop.
    I close the laptop too harshly and run my hands through my hair, leaning on my elbows. Finally coming to terms with the fact that I'm tired and probably won't find anything, I get up and walk to the bedroom.
    Mack lays on her stomach on the right side of the bed in boxer shorts and topless. I remove my shirt and lay down next to her. She turns her head to look at me, giving me a tired smile. I run my hand down her bare back.
    "No shirt?" I ask with a cocky grin. She rolls her eyes.
    "They hurt," she says. I raise a brow in confusion. "My boobs. They hurt," she says, laughing probably because she's uncomfortable. She moves closer to me, resting her head on my chest.
    "I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately," I say. "I've been so focused on my work that I haven't been asking how you are or-"
    "It's fine," she says, her lips brushing against my skin. "Just please don't work yourself too hard and loose yourself in all of this."
    "I promise," I tell her, kissing the top of her head. She sits up and look down at me. I force my eyes to stay at hers and not somewhere else. She bends down and kisses me hard. I cup the back of her neck as she gets above me. Her hand runs down my bare chest and rubs me against my sweats.
    I groan, biting down on her lip. She giggles, putting her hand in my sweats and taking my dick out. "You're not too tired?" I ask, breathing heavily.
    "No," she says, trying to catch her breath as well. "Are you?" I shake my head, pulling her back down.
    ::Mature content::
     She jerks me in her hand, moving her lips to my jaw and neck. My jaw clenches as I allow my hands to roam her body. I sit up, making her gasp and let me go. I remove her shorts and underwear, tossing them to the side.
    She positions herself over me and slowly sinks down, gripping my shoulders. I out a shakey breath and admire my view of her. Her chest rises and falls rapidly. Holding her waist, I control her movements. She wraps her arms around my neck, playing with the ends of my hair.
    The sounds of our soft moans fill the apartment. My phone starts ringing loudly on the nightstand. I reach over and turn it off. I press my lips against her's, taking deep breaths. My phone goes off again, making both of us groan in annoyance. I keep her in place as I reach over and answer.
    "Yes?" I ask.
    "Where are you?" Mateo asks on the other line.
    "Home, it's late. What the fuck do you want?" I ask, trying not to sound like I just went on a long run.
    "You need to get down to the bar. Bring your girl," he says. All the lust and sexual want I had a few moments ago vanishes.
    "What's going on?" I ask. She moves off of me and look at me in concern.
    "I can't explain over the phone. I don't have all the information. Just get here as fast as you can," he says. I end the call and get up, rubbing my eyes. I'm suddenly reminded by how tired I am.
    "We gotta go," I tell her. She gets up and puts her shirt on. "Mateo needs the both of us."
    "Why me?" She asks.
    "I don't know."
     Holding her hand tightly in mine, we walk to the back of the bar where the meeting room is. Mateo, Sleepy, and Martine all sit around the table with blank expressions.
    "Finally," Mateo says. "Have you heard from your mother at all?" He asks Mack. She tenses, shaking her head.
    "What's going on?" I ask, pulling her closer to me. They all side eye each other.
     "Zenith got arrested tonight," Martine tells us. "Xavier ordered the three of us to patrol around his house, we didn't know where we were or why; all we were told is to make sure that's everything went down as planned. We didn't know the plan either. He was on the phone with us the whole time, making sure the cops came and everything. He framed him for murder."
    All eyes fall on Mack who looks like she's gonna be sick. "How do you know?" I ask.
   "Xavier wouldn't tell us anything until it was over. He framed him for a few murders that he had his men commit. We can't figure out why. It's obvious Sonny doesn't know anything about this cause he never wants to start unnecessary shit with anyone," Sleepy explains.
    "What are we suppose to do?" I ask.
    "Where's the bathroom?" Mack asks. Sleepy points to the door in the corner. She slowly walks over, closing the door behind her. I sit down, running my hands through my messy hair.
    "Why the fuck would he want this? The last thing he needs is more enemies on his back," I say loudly.
   "What are we supposed to do without telling Sonny is the important question. We can't let him know we're going behind his back with this," Martine says.
    "I-I can go visit Zenith tomorrow if he's allowed visitors," I say. Their eyes all widen. "There has to be a reason why Xavier would do this and Zenith had to know why if it involves him. I'll be okay."
    "Every time you've seen the puto, he tries killing you," Mateo says. I sigh. The sound of throwing up in the bathroom catches my attention. "We can talk about this tomorrow. I just thought she should know what's going on with her dad." I stand, nodding.
    "Thanks," I say, walking over and slowly opening the bathroom door. Mack looks up at me from washing her mouth out with water. "You okay?" I ask. She shakes her head, whipping tears.
   "Can you bring me home?" She asks. "I-I need to be with my mom." I nod, taking her hand leading her out.

AN: Really shitty chapter, but so what? I'm sorry about the short delay, but I was giving my wrist a break, but it's feeling a little better now. Please check out my other stories, comment, Vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh


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