::The Hardest Goodbye::

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             ::Matias's POV::

    "Hello," the heavily tattooed man says while shaking my hand. Angel and Zenith side each other while eying my exchange with Sin Memosa, leader of the Mafia. How they ever got in business with this man, who in such high power, mind fucks me. There's no way they could have gotten in contact with him. 
    "Hello," I reply. His daughter walks up behind him and shakes my hand next. She looks strangely similar to Mack, but I ignore that and sit down. Mack, Astra, River, and Alanza all stay in the kitchen while he discuss what move to make on Xavier.
    "You should go inside," Sin tells his daughter, Emmy. She nods and walks inside, her long skirt flowing with the strong wind. "I was surprised that hear you three needed my help."
    "We're desperate," Zenith says, folding his hands together on the table. "My daughter's life's in danger. Our lives are all in danger, because of this this." Sin nods, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
    "How did you guys even get involved with the Cartel?" He asks Zenith.
   "I don't know, it goes back from when my own father was alone and second in command," he answers. It must be horrible to know your father died doing what you do now. I know it painted me when I thought my brother was dead.
   "It's gonna be hard to take him down no matter how many men we have on our side. He'll always have more," Sin tells us. "We could plant a bomb, somehow, they'll most likely find it, but it's worth a shot. Next would be a home invasion. Then public interference, which no one enjoys, but in this case will be necessary. After that it's all about exposing ourselves and hoping to get him where we want in plain sight."
    I can hear my heart beat in my chest. This kept me up at night when I fight got out of prison; killing Xavier even if it got me killed. It has to be done for our families sake. I turn around a little, glancing I inside. Mack and I lock eyes. I force a smile at her, never wanting her to know the true pain behind it. She knows it's fake, but she doesn't ask questions.
    "He doesn't have a family? Or anyone he's emotionally attached to?" I ask. Angel shakes his head, looking down at his tattooed hands. Those must have hurt like a bitch.
    "He killed his own wife and child," he says. "He doesn't have heart to be attached to anyone or anything. He's the perfect killer. That's why he's so damn good at his job, hermano."
    "And that's why we suck at ours," Zenith adds. I release a deep breath, trying to play everything our in my head. This will end in a blood bath on both sides. Is it really worth is the question? I don't want Mack or Eli hurt, but the chance he's of me dying become greater with this plan.
    "It's the only way to take him down. His empire will still be alone and well, that's impossible to destroy, but him, he's mortal," Sin tells us. The sound of loud footsteps coming from the side gate makes us fall silent, our hands all flying to the weapon we carry. I pray it's some type of animal.
    The wooden gate crushes down, sending down dust into the air. We stand up, dartibg in different directions to protect ourselves. Gunshots flying everywhere calms my heart rate. It's horrible, but what I'm used to. I was raised in violence and baptised in blood.
    The men wear bandanas cover their face, the only cut out for the eyes. Looking towards the door, the girls are no where to be seen inside. Popping out from the table I'm behind, I shoot my gun, every muscle in my body tensing, but my heart rate steady. The men yell at each other in Spanish before running off.
    "Oh fuck," Angel breaths while stepping out from behind the brush. Vito and Sin come out from wherever they were, their faces paling. I'm last to see the murder in front of. Blood runs over the concrete from Zenith's body. I kneel down, pressing my middle and index fingers to his pulse point although I know he's gone.
    A loud scream makes me flench way from his body. Mack stands in the door way, terrior written on her face.  "I don't know what I'd do without him," she had told me that day in Cafe. I never wanted to find out what would happen to her if he did die. Their bind was the strongest I've ever seen. Now the bond is broken by flying bullets.

AN: A moment of silence for out fallen favorite. It kills me to kill him, but I felt it was meant to happen. Zenith is my favorite and always will be, but he was too good for this story. It also hurts me to do this to Mack.
    How do you feel about his death? How do you think this will affect Mack? Please comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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