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"Hey you dropped this"

Haru suddenly stopped and turned around, it was Taehyung. He raised his arm and in his hands he had money. Haru suddenly started to feel and check her pockets then realizes it was her money that he had in his hands.

Taehyung: "Hey you dropped your money"

Haru walked back inside and went to get her money back from Taehyung

Haru: "Uh Um thank you"

Taehyung: "No  problem"

Right when Haru got her money she ran out of the classroom and got the hallway. Haru got to the floor and was relieved that she got out of the restroom and started to blush after what just had ahappened.  Back at the classroom when  Haru left class in the distance Ha nee was already getting pissed off about Haru.

Ha nee: "Did she really talked to my oppa?!!??! Oh I'm not letting her getting away with this especially with my oppa"


Haru: "Thank you I'll enjoy the meal"

Haru got her lunch and walked to her table, of course an empty table all by herself since no one eat with her. While she was eating all she was thinking in her head is what happened in class with Taehyung holding her money and because of that she was spacing out. 

"Um excuse me are the sits here taken?"

Haru woke up from dream land and her eyes widen, it was BTS.

Taehyung: "Hey are the seats taken?"

The were standing for a while until Haru finally said something.

Haru: "Oh no no the seats aren't taken"

Taehyung: "Oh ok thanks"

Tae and the rest of the member sat down and started eating, for a moment there was an awkward silence at the table. Haru was getting nervous again and don't know what to do but then that's when Jin spoke to break the awkward silence.

Jin: "Hey are you ok? You dont feel well?"

Haru: "Uh I'm  f-f-fine"

Taehyung: "Are you sure? because you look very pale right now"

Namjoon: " Yeah you do even at class you had your head down, are you sure you aren't sick?"

*Bell Rings*

Haru: "Oh look lunch is over good bye now"

Haru instantly got out of the table and walked  so fast to leave the cafeteria until....

*Food tray falls*

Ha nee: "Oops sorry"

Haru was on the floor covered in food, she was tripped by Ha nee. The cafeteria got quite then sounds of laughter started especially Ha nee and her friends. The laughter's surrounded Haru, she got up picked up her tray and walked as if nothing happened. She threw her tray away and ran out of the cafeteria. The laughter of the student still continued except Taehyung and the members. Taehyung was worried about Haru and he wanted to check up on her but before he could even get up he was surrounded by a bunch of the female classmates. Meanwhile Haru was at the restroom cleaning herself up.

Haru: *Sighs* " How surprising, this was the 10th time that happened to me this should be a record for me, good thing I bought extra pair of uniforms haha"

After  Haru finished cleaning herself up she got out of the restroom and was about to head over to her locker then she suddenly heard a male's voice.

"Hey are you okay?"

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