saving Leo

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Raph's pov
I heard everything...i dont know if I should be happy or sad. Im numb and cant think anymore so i do the only thing im good at and shut down. Not allowing myself to feel anything i start to think of a plan like Leo would do.
After an hour of nothing I realize i cant do this. I cant think like Leo I have to do this my way.
Pulling out my sai's I crouch down climbing into an open window, i know by now my eyes are white in full ninja mode. Sneaking past xever and dog pound I slip into the back looking for Leo. Walking through corridors i almost give up hope of ever finding him in this maze when I hear it. Screaming blood curdling screams, there Leo's! Running I try to locate where the sound is coming from slamming open doors and kicking down anything that stands in my way. Im done being careful im getting Leo back,
while im so caught up trying to find Leo I didnt realize tiger claw and karai were sneaking up on me untill it was to late. Feeling a sharp pain I look down to see karai's katana in my torso and a small bullet in my leg. Blood flowing I look at her " how could you? You know we're your brothers!"
Slowly she pulls the blade out speaking slowly, "I am not your sister, and Leo was right, you are weak, maybe i should let you live so you can put yourself out of all this misery and go out with what little dignity you have left." Gasping for breath I spit out "you think I care about what Leo thinks! I lived my whole life hearing im not good enough and that everything is my fault...its not! ive saved them so many times and ive been there for them through EVERYTHING!" By now im shouting just letting everything pour out knowing this is it.
"I have tried my whole life to be good enough, i tried to hide my emotions because they only get in the way and it would only make everything worse. They hate me and i dont even know why all I ever did was try and be a good brother but I guess it wasnt good enough.. im not good enough.
Looking down on me "Allow me to put you out of your misery" raising her katana she brings it down only for it to clash with my sai's.
"My life isnt perfect and sure my brothers hate me but I love them and I will always protect them. I dont care if you kill me but not while Leo is here in danger. Not while I have something to live for even if its just for a little while. They dont know all that ive done for them and im ok with that but right now my brother needs me." Pushing my sai against her blade I spin and slam her into the wall jabbing the handle of my other sai into her head knocking her out.
I spin around to face tiger claw not expecting the sudden shot of his gun. Feeling a pinch on my chest I ignore it running to him and I tackle him to the ground throwing punches and jabs here and there. Kicking me away tiger claw scratches me in the face blinding me for a moment when blood gets in my eye, using that to his advantage he slams me into the wall, "say goodbye turtle you loose." Pushing back with all my might I slam my leg into his head making him disoriented for a moment saying "Not today, not when Leo needs me." Taking a step back I roundhouse kick him effectively knocking him out.
Gasping trying to catch my breath I hear it, he's screaming again. Running as fast as my body allows me i slam the last door in the hallway open....I wish I got here sooner...I-I cant even look. Running in I tackle Shredder off of a crying Leo taking him by suprise not giving him time to react i stab my sai straight through his chest and head ending it once and for all. Panting I try an catch my breath starting to feel the blood loss my chest still bleeding from karai. I look at Leo slowly standing I walk over to him and start unchaining him, " hey fearless, im sorry, im sorry that i took so long and im sorry i got you taken from us and....i-im sorry I couldnt be a b-better, bro-ther I tried so h-hard im sorry I didn't....
Suddenly blackness starts to try and take me away but Leo isnt safe yet so I stop talking and pull off my bandana putting my sai in my mouth I bite down on it to silence my screams as I push my mask into my bleeding chest hoping it keeps me alive long enough to get Leo back. I glance at Leo seeing him just looking at me crying, thats when I realize his hand is shaking he reaches for something it takes me a minute to realize he's untying his mask watching me as if ill all of a sudden collapse. Rasping out a "come here" i walk closer motioning to my sai he puts it in my mouth and shoves his mask into a bullet hole in my chest wincing I ask, "Can you walk?" While I finish unchaining him. He nods and goes to stand but collapses and passes out. Grunting I pick him up holding him close to me I realize we cant go out the way I came tiger claw and karai might wake up soon and the foot are out there i cant go full ninja hurt and carrying Leo. Knowing that im gonna die soon I make up my mind jogging out the room I face the window at the end of the hall i pull out my Tphone calling Donnie.


Donnie! H-help. Track my phone.
Why? are you really so weak your in trouble again, but this time Leo isnt there to save you. dying
I h-h-have L-Leo im s-sorry i wasnt g-good enough
Hey M-Mickey
Are you ok why do you sound like that?
Im f-fine buddy I love you put D back on please.
Ok bye the way I'm still mad you got Leo captured.
I know im sorry but ill make it up to you soon...I promise.
Raph im back i have your location....why does it say your moving, and fast. Raph are you running?


RAPH what was that?

Im coming. Please dont die.

RaphaelxLeonardo   HATE/Deppression and LOVE!!!Where stories live. Discover now