Chapter 14

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Something was wrong. Yuma couldn't shake the feeling. Why had he said that to Astral? He wasn't worried about him being sick, he just wanted him to eat. So why had he told Astral that he wouldn't want him falling ill? Those words seemed to come out of nowhere, and it so clearly freaked his brother out.

Maybe there's more going on than I think, the boy thought to himself as he watched his brother eat shakily. I'm going to try and make this uneasiness go away. But he had a feeling that if he approached Astral again, he'd only say something else that was weird; he wanted to avoid that when possible. Seeing his brother in distress wasn't a nice sight.

But then Astral came to the couch with his breakfast in hand and sat beside him, leaning his head on Yuma's shoulder as they both watched TV and shared the food, much like they did when they were younger. Yuma smiled, and this one felt more relaxed than the one before.

"That must have sounded weird, huh?" Yuma giggled. "Sounded weird to me."

Astral looked up at Yuma, a strange look in his eyes. It was very much akin to relief, as though Yuma finally understood something. "Yes, it was a little." The alien smiled a bit. "But strange things have been happening. I can't say I didn't expect it."

"What kinds of weird things? I think I remember you telling me, but I fell asleep."

"Something kept you from hearing, but trust me when I say I'll tell you when I can."

Yuma wanted to get more out of Astral, but considering he passed out when he was telling him, the boy nodded. "I believe you." He hugged his brother close to him and kept watching TV.

Yuma was about to get up when he felt Astral go limp in his arms. Alarmed, the boy took his brother by the shoulders and inspected him to see if it was anything serious. He wasn't breathing oddly, his face wasn't ashy or flushed. He didn't look like he had something wrong going on; was it possible that he was just asleep? Yes, that had to be it. Yuma smiled at that. Astral hadn't gotten much sleep, had he? He looked tired, and he'd slept in; Yuma should have expected to see him get more rest.

I'll take you to bed. I gotta go meet up with Kotori about all this, but I promise to come back. Yuma knew his thoughts reached Astral as he picked up his light frame and carried him back to his room. However, he pondered a bit before taking Astral to the attic room, knowing he'd be safer there. Then, leaving his brother resting in the room, he slipped out of the house to visit Kotori.


Akari came home after chasing a scoop, successfully this time. She plopped down on the couch and relaxed, closing her eyes. All that research, all the interviews, and she finally had a story to send. She'd submit it as soon as she got some shut eye.

For some reason, she felt very sleepy...


When she next woke up, someone unknown was sitting on her lap, his gray and orange eyes boring into her own. She took a hurried and panicked glance at this being.

He looked scarily like Astral, but his skin was white with blackish purple splotches all over his body. Instead of the sweet and caring look, there was a blank yet malicious look in his eyes. As soon as their gazes locked, the being's mouth twisted into a horrible grin.

"Don't fight now, Akari," the being whispered. He snapped, and a needle poked out of his hand. "Yuma wouldn't like that one bit."

As if a switch turned on within her, Akari threw off the being surprisingly easily. The being yelped in surprise, and he flickered in color. Unfortunately, she couldn't see what color he flickered between, but for some reason, she felt a chill go down her spine.

"Who are you?" Akari demanded. Her hands groped around for a weapon, and it fell on a book that was conveniently lying there. She raised it high over her head threateningly.

The being looked at her with a confused expression, but behind that innocent gaze was a calculating demeanor. "Akari, you know exactly who I am." That horrible twisted grin came back. "Now stay still and let me perform my mission."

Eerily, Akari felt herself calm down. She sat back down on the couch, set the book aside, and relaxed even though she internally screamed at herself to knock this person out. She had a sinking feeling that she did indeed know this person, and while she was loathe to hurt him, there was no other way to defend herself. She just needed to snap out of it!

But there was no way to. Her body felt sluggish and slow, and she wasn't in control at all. Who she thought was her brother stalked closer and closer, that twisted grin calming back down into a calm and neutral expression. 

"You don't need to worry about a thing," the being cooed. "I've finally remembered why I was sent here and what I need. But again, don't worry. You won't need to see Yuma suffer."

Why, Astral...? But she couldn't form her thoughts into words. She felt the cold needle puncture her chest, her life essence draining away like water through a sink. Her eyes shut for the last time.


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