Chapter 16

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Yuma was taken aback. "Dying?"

"Yes," Astral continued although Eliphas was clearly disapproving of him continuing. "The world I was originally born in is currently dying, and my mission was to collect the energies of enough good-hearted and pure of soul people to fuel it. Kaito was obviously a mistake, but one that can easily be fixed." His smile was forced.

Yuma didn't like it. "And what about the time Gauche and Droite brought you in for questioning? Why did they release you so easily?"

Because he made them, a horrible voice in his head told him. Because he has the same affect on them as he did on you. They felt the indescribable need to see him safe, just as you have.

"Of that, I'm not sure." But Astral was averting his gaze again. He wasn't a very good liar.

"Was it for the same reason that we took you in and took care of you even though you were close to death?" Bitterness was starting to seep into Yuma's voice, as well as betrayal and grief. "Was it all for the sake of survival? Like a parasite?" He spat the word "parasite" like some vile thing he didn't even want near him.

"No, of course not, Yuma!" Astral quickly assured. "It wasn't for that at all, I just needed time to get used to this world." Though these words were false, Yuma's shoulders sagged with relief.

"Okay," he sighed. "Let's go back inside."

And Astral smiled sweetly at his brother. "Okay. You go inside first. I'll catch up later."

Yuma smiled back at Astral and nodded. He turned to leave, and as his back was turned, he didn't see Eliphas leave to deal with a certain nuisance. He didn't see Astral change colors once again, nor did he hear the snap as the needle came out again.

His eyes only widened when the needle slipped into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Yuma," Astral whispered. "But I cannot let your purity be tainted."

Yuma fell to his knees, tears in his eyes at Astral's betrayal, but he didn't have time to dwell on it before his physical form disappeared and all thought was gone. Astral himself was struggling to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. He wasn't much better when Eliphas returned, having dismantled Orbital.

"Shall we continue?" he asked nonchalantly. It ticked Astral off that he could be so calm about it.

But he nodded. "Yes. Let's."


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