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I crept around qiana house watching her she was home alone , so I decided to do a little kill bill tonight.

I saw the backyard door open and smoothly crept inside. Qiana was on the phone with some bitch name Melanie so I just eavesdropped. They were talking about some boy she liked name Mathew and she's gonna ask him out for dinner. Too bad that wont be happening.

I'm such an asshole

"Oh my god Melanie what am I gonna wear he is like the cutest boy at our school and he is so popular I have to impress him"

I got so tired of that lame conversation so I went to strike. She was turned around facing the TV watching the television standing up. I went up behind her covering her mouth and threw her phone against the wall. She started panicking like an asshole so I pulled out the needle and injected her with the liquids. To me it looked like the drugs were affecting her way it was supposed to , she passed out and was layed out on the floor I put on my gloves and cleaned up the broken phone so I wont get caught. I dragged her body to the car and placed her in the trunk.

I started the car and drove to my place were the party was really about to take place.

Qiana P.O.V

I woke up feeling so drowsy and tired. I could feel my surroundings , it smelled terrible like so much horror and torture. My head , feet and wrist were locked down by metal and it was very uncomfortable , I started squirming to be free but I just made it worst , every time I moved it got tighter so I just gave up.

I saw a black tall buff figure standing about 4 feet away , he slowly started walking towards me and I started shaking. When he came into the light he had curly chestnut hair a nice caramel skin complexion some pretty eyes and some juicy plump lips. He flashed a smile and started playing with my hair. I started to squirm because he was being extremely rough , I begged and pleaded to be released but the more I tried the more pleasured he seemed.

I had on my bra and panties , he started rumbling threw this drawer and all I could hear was a bunch of metal I was so scared so I started screaming calling for help but it seemed as if that agitated him he shoved a sock in my mouth and said "keep fucking screaming and ill give you something to scream about" with that being said I cried silently. He grabbed scissors and cut off my undergarments. I cried begged and pleaded for him not to continue but he ignored my request and did so anyways.

Chresanto P.O.V

I was trying to find my scissors and she kept fucking yelling saying "let me go" and asking to be released , Bitch I have you here because I want to do things to you I'm not letting you go. Every time she  struggled and begged it only made me anxious to taste her. I grabbed my scissors and started cutting her panties. She was squirming and shit so it was hard but I managed to get them off.

I slipped my tongue in her dry pussy lips and stopped. I looked up at her because I was so disgusted how can your pussy not be wet. I tried slipping to fingers in her mouth to make my fingers wet and rub it on her desert pussy but she was acting bitchy saying "I don't know were your fingers been" bitch I will blow your brains out. So instead I forcefully pushed my fingers in her mouth and rubbed them on her pussy. I slowly stroked in and causing her to moan hella loud I added another finger and she went crazy yelling and screaming help. I was tired of this bullshit I'm trying to be a good killer/rapist/kidnapper and she was making it difficult.

I pulled out my dick and rammed it inside of her causing her to moan and scream. I kept going deeper and deeper she was on cloud 9 I think she was retarded because this has never happened before usually the girls would be pleased but nope she was still yelling for help and that officially made me pissed off. I pulled up my trousers and walked to get my knife. She kept screaming so I taped her mouth. I grabbed a marker and traced her hairline. After that I grabbed the knife and slowly started cutting at her hairline. It was so bloody but Jesus it was so fun. When I was finished she was still alive but she had no scalp. Yup that's right I cut her scalp off bald she is now

I'm so silly bitch is hairless *bust out laughing*. I was holding her hair and scalp , you could see her brain I was so amused. She was apple red her face was a dark color red from the pain but oh well she should've just let me eat instead of screaming all the damn time retarded ass. Since she was still alive I grabbed a rope and tied it around her neck , I had this machine that makes stuff tighter and I attached the two sides of the rope on each machine. I stood all the way at the end of the room because this was gonna get messy I pressed the button and watched the machine tighten the rope around her neck. She struggled and was so red it was awesome. As the rope tightened you could see her veins poke out her head. I did the final countdown.

3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

POW ! Her head blew off. It was so joyful and such a happy moment. She was headless as I walked to the corpse. I started cleaning up I had plastic everywhere so  I just rolled up the plastic and burried it in the woods. Now the body .. I cut her up and blended her. No I didn't drink it that would be sick I flushed it down the toilet. Everything was back to normal in its place so I grabbed the scalp part and cut a small piece and disposed the left overs. I exited the lair and walked to my big penthouse. I went upstairs to my scrapbook and taped the piece of scalp and hair to my book.

Another kill done successfully

I wonder what Mathew is gonna do *chuckles* oop now he has to find a new love. I got up and took a nice warm shower , I felt great. I ate my dinner and watched some TV I flipped through the scrapbook looking at my previous killing memories. I honestly have no feelings *chuckles* one time I killed a pregnant teen named Christina she went into labor and I killed her and threw her baby in the lake. I threw that baby like a damn football *bust out laughing*. Don't think I have mercy cause I don't but hey that's none of your business.

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