Getting hit on and being VERY uncomfortable

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I went to this protest thing for Rite Aid (drug store) because the company is taking away people's benefits and lowering their wages 25% and all sorts of bad stuff and my mom took my brother and I there to help protest, I think we did good, but about an hour or 45 minutes before it ended one of my moms customers showed up with her son , who is special needs, he's late twenty something I think but kinda has the mentality of an eleven year old. So they get there they're nice and all I say hi and then go back to where I was standing all peacefully avoiding talking to anyone but then he comes up to me and makes conversation and I anwser and I don't talk to people much so I kinda just stand there and anwser his questions quickly. Then he starts complementing what I drew on my hands and showed me his hat and then he left me alone and my brother said blink twice if you need help. And I thought this guys harmless, nothing to worry about. But then he comes back and starts telling me what he's gonna be for Halloween and compliments my shoes my clothes and then my mom says to stand by her and then he leaves us alone and then he comes back and starts saying how I should go to his Halloween party and how I should be a cowgirl for Halloween, he said he was gonna be a cowboy, and then invited me to go trick or treating with him and at this point I'm uncomfortable and I tell him I'm going trick or treating with my dad(I'm not) and then that's when he invited me to this party he's gonna have and then says to me with my mom right next to me you should ask your mom if you could go. And then he looks at my mom and says we're the same age while looking at me and my mom says no she's 16 and he goes sheesh and then he leaves us alone and then comes back a bit later and asks if I'm in school and I said yeah and he asked which one and I said I'm Upland and then he asked if I was going home after the protest and I said yeah probably and then my mom tells him she's going to her boyfriends after to study and then he say to study and I say yeah and then he asks if I eat lunch with him and I say yeah and then his moms shows up again and kinda takes him away and then he leaves me alone until they leave and he gives my mom a fist bump and then hugs me and then ignores my brother (standing next to me) and then goes back for a high five when his mom says what about her brother and then they left. And then after my older brother texted asking if I was okay and saying to be careful and asking my mom if he needed to come over there to chino ( my mom had told him what was happening) and yeah it was weird and uncomfortable . My mom wanted me to get away because she says he can say really inappropriate things sometimes and can get handsy and stuff. She said he's almost gotten beat up by Cholos because he's said stuff to their girlfriends.

Mid you this entire time every time he comes back to talk to me he gets closer to me which I already have a problem with, I don't like people invading my bubble .
So yeah thought I'd just talk about my weird day

Peace🌎 Happy Reading ✌🏼💛🌷

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