People Suck

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People honestly are the worst sometimes.
I'm going to rant about people at school and the way they treat me so WARNING⚠️

But they throw food at me.
They throw paper, erasers, things I'm not sure what they are but they're pieces of bigger things.
They make it a point that if they can sit somewhere else they sit somewhere as far away from me as possible.
When they're forced to be my partner for something because the teacher made them they find out how smart I am and make me do the work or they don't even give me the chance to do ANYTHING and they do all the work and then complain to the teacher for me either not doing anything or if I try to participate they complain that I'm taking control and not letting them do anything.
I really can't stand people here at my school.
They treat me like I'm beneath them or something.
I really am so done with it.
They also say things when they think I'm not listening or maybe they mean for to hear it but they never say it directly to my face- not anymore at leAst.
They stopped because he teacher said something without naming names so now they're more discrete about it. They still do it, the teachers just don't know about it anymore.
Anyways that's it- I'll leave it there

Happy Reading🌷🌎

Stuff I need to get off of my chest.Where stories live. Discover now