Midoriya x Male!Reader

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This is one of my favorite songs!!!

This is one of my favorite songs!!!

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Y/n's POV

It was a regular day at the academy. Bakugo and Iida was arguing and yelling at each other because Iida wanted Bakugo take his feet off the desk but Bakugo was pissed by how Iida is telling him what to do.

You where in class doodling in your book. You suddenly have the urge to look up behind you. When you looked behind you, you saw Midoriya -or Deku- looking at you until he saw you looking back at him. He blushed then looked away.

You didn't put to much thought to it so you turn back around to doodle in your book again.

Few minutes later Mr. Aizawa came in.

"Shut and listen!" Mr. Aizawa started. The class got instantly quiet and every one was looking in front. "Get suited up and meet me outside." He said before he got in his sleeping bag.

The girls went to the girls changing room and the boys in the boys changing room.

While you where getting changed Deku walked up to you.

"H-hey, Y/n!" Deku said blushing slightly.

"Hey Deku! How are you?" You said while smiling. You decided to ignore what Minato was doing as he was clearly trying to peek through a hole that lead into the girls room.

"Um... G-good... I wanted to ask you something?" Deku said smiling while scratching the back of his head.

"Hm? What is it?" You said worriedly.

"U-um... I wanted to ask if you'll go o-"

"Come on guys! Hurry up!" Kirashima yelled from the doorway.

"Grr." Deku secretly scowled at Kirashima as you two exit the changing room.

... After School...

You were currently on your way to the train station to go home. You didn't live far. But it was quite a walk there.

"Hey Y/n." You turned around to be met with a determined Deku.

"Um... Hi." You replied curiously.

"I-I... I lov.... Love... You." He stammered and his whole face turned red. He sighed and took a breath, "Will you go out with me this Saturday?"

You froze for a moment not believing what your hearing. Izuku Midoriya was asking you out on a date! You smiled and straighten out your posture.

"I would love to, Izuku." You blushed as he picked you up twirling you around. You both laughed and went home.

Males X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now