13 2 1

Oh yeah...Laurens is still over...

He's still kissing me.

He pulls away to catch his breath and I blush a bit. "W-what was that?" I ask stuttering a bit. "That my friend is what you call a love full kiss my friend." He said wiping his lower lip. "Why did you kiss me.....you just broke up with Peggy and you know I love Thomas..." Laurens looked at me and smirked. "Why can't it just be like the good old days?"

"Cause I don't love you no more..." I say to him.

"Why not.."

"Cause you make Thomas feel like he is going to hurt me-"

"Cause I've seen what he has done in the past!"

I stand there frozen then point at the door. He got the memo and walked out. I watch him leave then sigh. First off, I'm shocked. Why would he come into my house and think he can have the advantage of me, all because my damaged boyfriend is in the hospital- I sigh and try to get the thoughts out of my head as I sit down.


I wake up out of bed. It's already 11:46 am. What time did go to sleep last night...

I need to get up. Go to work. Wait I have worked at 12..OH SHIT-

I jump up and quickly get ready for work. I've never been late for a job and that's not gonna happen today. As a pull my pants up and get my shoes on I to walk outside. How the road is that I can see the coffee shop from here, just that it takes longer than usual. So I start walking normal and I check my watch- 11:49 am. I'll get there in time...

I walk through the doors then look at my watch- 11:56. I did great with time. I get my apron on and start work. Laf had a college class this morning so I need to work the orders and cashier at the same time till the next person comes in at 12:30. great


The next person that came in took over so I could leave. As I was exiting the store, guess who dropped in.....Mr. John Laurens. My mind was still caught on about the fact he kissed me on my own house at like midnight. It still shocks me but I'm trying to think about better things like valentines day is coming up, and then thinking about Thomas.

I guess I'm not allowed to visit him so I don't get attached when he is hurt then....something bad to happen then it would be worse on me and my emotions.

He gave me a blank stare as I walked out, a bit uncomfortable but I walked back to my house. Why was he there? I've never seen him there out of how long I've worked there. I ignored it and went to Peggy's house. She wanted to see me for some reason, probably to 'cheer' me up because of Thomas...or she got stuck in the washer again.

I got to her house and knocked on the door. Her small mailbox slot opened. "Password..." Peggy hissed. I sighed, sadly I knew the password... "Butter Wings," I say and she opens the door. "Welcome to the party!" She exclaims. "Party? You pulled me after work for this?" I say walking in music blasting. "MHM! I got almost everyone here!!" Peggy jumped with joy but I think she could have been drunk since she did have a red cup in her hand.

"You're already drunk," I say to her with another sigh. "Nope my cup is empty, I was doing the cup song earlier," Peggy says once again as John pops out of nowhere, and walks up to Peggy, looking at me then at her. Peggy gives him this sassy but snobby as she walks away, John following her. I look around and shrug my shoulders.

The party didn't look too bad, the same people from the new year's party...a couple new guys but all same girls. I walk over to the drinks and got a bottle of beer, I haven't drank since Thomas left so...I screw off the cap and do a toast motion to myself, "To Thomas..." I say under my breath as I take a chug at the drink.


I dance with Peggy and some other guy, looking about her height. My vision is blurry, I feel dizzy, ugh I need to sit. I randomly walk away to the staircase and sit down, letting my head rest. The other guy we were dancing with comes over to me and pushes me upside by the stairs, looking right at me. My eyes widen as don't try to break loose....wait

I don't try.....what the hell is happening to me...

The guy smirks from what I see and then kisses me planting my arms above my head so I can't hold back.

it feels nice...its a sweet kiss

I wake up, my head pounding. I'm in bed.

not my bed...

its Eliza's room? But she is out of town...

I turn over to see who is in the bed with and all I see is poofy hair......lightish brown....poofy hair....at first I don't know who it is then I see their back, covered in freckles. W A I T...... did I sleep with John!!!?? I get out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom, I didn't have a shirt on, only my boxers. either he tried to do something and I passed out from a nosebleed or we actually did it... I panic a bit as I look in the mirror above the white, marble-topped sink.

I look in the mirror and the first things I see are,

my dizzy eyes

my crazy hair

a cut on my cheek from something...not sure...

and a dark hickey on my collarbone

just great....heh this was like my college years...going to a party, waking up next to a guy or girl. It is like a frat house....but worse since I'm an adult with a boyfriend...

I walk out of the bathroom and snatch my shirt up quickly and throw my pants on. I slip on my shirt and look at John. He looks so peaceful......whatever...i have a reputation to keep....this is gonna be a secret and he is not gonna tell anyone and if he does I will track him down and make him pay...

I walk out of the house, Peggy and Maria are on the couch downstairs a blanket on them and lee is passed out on the counter.....

I leave the house and walk to my house....time for a cold shower...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1102 Words

thank you so much for all the support you guys have been giving this story! make sure to check out my other stories like F-U-N( A Lams Story) and my artbook! I love to show you guys what I'm doing as well in my Author Notes :D

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