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I'm in the car...

Driving to the hospital...

In tears...



I pull up to the hospital and immediately go to the front desk. "Hello! Can I help yo-" "Can I please see Thomas Jefferson?" I say cutting the nurse off. "Oh room 1789 down the hall." I don't even say thank you cause I'm in such a hurry. This is the weirdest hospital I've ever been down, the numbers are by 17 and 18 hundredths which I always thought was weird but Thomas told me it's normal for New York to be like that.

I knock on the door and Peggy opens the door right after. I hug her then she moves out of the way so I can see Thomas. All I see...is my boyfriend....connected to cords, out cold... "W-What happened?!" I say crying a bit. "Car crash....I was driving and I was behind Thomas...lookin like he was in a hurry...but then this other car came out of no where and hit his car..." She said looking down. Thomas literally looked dead on the hospital bed. "It was a pretty bad crash..." the doctor said. "Damage to him like his could make him severely hurt or in a Coma for long time."

The doctors words make my heart drop even more than it already was.

An hour pasted and The Doctor came back into the room. "Mr. Hamilton...may I have a word with you?" I stand up and walk outside with the doctor. "You see...Mr.Jefferson has mild damage to his brain... he is gonna have to stay with his family for about a year...I'm truly sorry to tell you this...but if he heals quickly, he can go home before next year which is what we're all hoping for..." the doctor concluded as I tried to not cry. All I did was nod and walk away, I had no words. I walked back into the room of Thomas's and looked right at the asleep Jeff.

"A year from now..."

"I'll see you..."

"But before then..."

"You are gonna be new..."

I say as I hug him...starting to softly cry but hold it in as best as I can until I am told to leave the room... I say my last goodbyes and leave the hospital

I walk into the house with no Thomas, my hair a living mess, and the TV playing the credits of the movie I watched before I fell asleep. I walked to the bedroom and sighed, laying on the bed. These next few months are gonna be hard....I'm gonna miss him....


The next day is slow, I don't wanna get out of bed, I really don't wanna do anything. I have to go to work tomorrow which is gonna be a pain in the ass...I just...wish he was here for me now...

I get out of bed like an hour later and watch my show, the Twilights! Every time I'd try to watch it, id get irrupted by Thomas trying to spy on me or wanting to watch his show. As I play the movie, I get a text from...a group chat?

Horseman has added CoffeeAddict

TurtlesForTurtles• Ayyy Alex!

CoffeeAddict• Hi? Why was I added to this?

FrenchTea• Cause we thought we could help with while Thomas is gone

Horseman• ^^

CoffeeAddict• I'm fine guys.

TurtlesForTurtles• But we're keeping you in here

CoffeeAddict• Fine by me.

I sigh and sit my phone down as I play my movie. The Twilights were always that one movie that no one liked except a big little group of people. I'm one out of the big group.

About an hour has gone past and now I'm bored. I don't wanna go out into the world or illl get emotional fast and if I stay here, I'll get bored. Gosh things are so different without Thomas...you never really realize what you can and can't do when the person you love is gone for a good amount of time...

It's only gonna be half a year...

It shouldn't be that big of a difference....

I'm gonna miss him though....

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