Chapter 4

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Alex woke up feeling groggy. He slowly opened his eyes, staring at the sunlight shining through the tent. It's already that bright?

He remembered Magnus had fallen asleep outside, so he unzipped the tent to check on him. Magnus's sleeping bag was laying open in the same spot as if slept on. However, the boy himself was not in it. Alex stepped outside and looked around the clearing, expecting to see a blond head. Magnus wasn't there. Magnus isn't here! Alex reiterated in his head. Okay, well, don't overreact. Maybe he just went to pee.

He decided to get dressed for the day, thinking that Magnus would come back by the time he was finished. Donning his pink shirt and green shorts, he stepped back outside to find that Magnus still hadn't returned. That is definitely freaky. Where did he go? Where could he be?

Alex started to walk around the clearing, looking for a note or clue or sign that he left behind. But there was no luck. He started to walk circles around the campsite, 10 or maybe 20 before he gave up waiting. Maybe he went down there, then got attacked by the squirrel, Alex thought, walking up to the path Magnus wanted to take yesterday. He started through the bushes, then took off at a run. The path sloped downward, getting steeper and steeper almost with every step. Whacking through bushes and jumping over rocks, he felt like he'd run five miles already, but nobody was in sight. He must've not come this way. What happened to him?

"MAGNUS!" Alex screamed at the top of his lungs, still darting down the mountain path. A loud buzz sounded in his ear. BZZZZZ! It must have been a bee, he thought in the back of his mind. The sound zipped past and he kept running. Suddenly, his foot jammed into a rock, twisting his ankle and sending him rolling down the steep mountain. He just had time to see the cliff ahead while he tumbled, before he rolled of the edge and woke up.

"Alex, wake up!" Magnus poked his torso through tent opening. Alex bolted upright, shaking from the anxiety of his dream and the near-death experience of rolling off a cliff.

"It was just a bad dream. I'm here." Magnus crawled the rest of the way inside the tent, sitting next to Alex. He was wearing blue jeans, a gray t-shirt, and the same green plaid jacket. His hair was let loose around his face.

"Yeah, I see that. Thanks for the wake-up call." Alex tried to seem cool and steady his breathing.

"I guess I was just a little worried," Magnus admitted. "You called my name."

"Oh, right. In my dream, you had disappeared and I went looking for you. Then I rolled off a cliff. Fun times."

"Wow, sounds dramatic." They sat in a silence for a couple of seconds, neither one of them knowing what to say about Alex dreaming of Magnus and being super worried.

"Well," Magnus finally said, "I made breakfast. You want some scrambled eggs?"

"Sure, just let me get dressed first." Alex grabbed his bag and started rummaging through it. Magnus stayed seated in the tent as if in a stare. "Well? Get out, doofus, I'm not going to do it with you in here!" Alex started throwing his shirts at him.

"Wait, no that wasn't why-"A shirt got caught in his mouth. "Ppffft, that wasn't even what I was trying to do... "His voice trailed off as he scrambled out, just rambles and mumbles about how he wasn't trying to see Alex undressed.

When Alex was finished, he walked out of the tent, donning skinny blue jeans, and a pink and green plaid shirt.

"Here you go, one green-hair friendly meal." Magnus handed Alex a plate.

"Ha, ha. Real cute." Alex said sarcastically, sitting himself down on a blanket that Magnus had laid out in the grass.

"I know you think I am." Magnus mumbled under his breath in response.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking I need to stretch before our hike," Magnus grabbed his own plate and started eating.

Alex finished eating and started to gather his gear, subconsciously humming the tune to "Summer Nights" from Grease. Magnus found this amusing.

"Where are we off to now?" Alex asked when they were both packed up and ready to go.

"Well, we're going to want to start heading back to the primary trail. From there, we can veer off onto secondary ones but still be able to head down the mountain range back to the city. It's 8:30 right now, so we should make it back before lunch, hopefully at 11:30."

He looked at a smiling Alex, who said, "Sounds like a plan."

Magnus smiled back. This is going to be a good day.

A/N: I'm so sorry about the looooong wait, peeps! School hit me in the rear end for a while there and I blanked on what more I could write, but I finally got an idea and really wanted to at least finish and publish this chapter. I have maybe one or two more before I'll end the story. Two is kind of pushing it but we'll see. I hope you enjoy

P.S. Feel free to send reviews and critiques!

Word count :900

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