Chapter 2 - Keep Quiet

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Okay guys so here's chapter two and I am like freaking out because Pipmaxmeg and brana0814 added Just a Dare to their Reading List and Favorites!!! Ahhh Thank you guys sooo much!! Dedication? I think so!! Also, most of the story will be in Ariana's POV. She was kind of Andrea's best friend..But yeahh ENJOY!


      "Oh my God guys!! What's wrong?!! Some thing went wrong!! Is she okay?" Chelsea was screaming frantically.

  "Guys.. She's not in the water anymore." Maria said in a worried tone.

  "Shit guys!! Look!" Chelsea said as she pointed somewhere down stream.

   "IT'S ANDIE!!" Maria yelled.

   I just stood there in shock. I didn't know what to do. I watched as they ran over to the body. Whether Andrea was dead, or alive. I will never forgive myself. This was all our faults.. I was still in complete shock and totally zoned out thinking of all the good memories I had with Andie until I heard two different tones of loud, painful cries.

  "That's it. She's gone." Maria said.

  "Why?!! Why did this happen to her!! It's our faults!! We'll get arrested for sure!!! I don't know what to do!" Chelsea said as she put her head in her hands and cried some more.

  "We'll keep quiet." I said.

    They looked over at me in shock that I had actually said something. Then they both started walking towards me, confused.

  "What do you mean we'll keep quiet?" Maria asked.

    "Seriously..?" Chelsea added.

   "We hide the body. Where no one will find it and keep it a secret. Our secret." I answered them both.

  "I can't do that! Knowing it was our fault!! No, I just can't!" Chelsea said.

   "WE HAVE NO CHOICE!" I said, raising my voice a little bit.

  "Don't yell at us. It was your fault too!" Maria said, obviously taking Maria's side.

   "No, it wasn't. It was Just a Dare." I answered as a tear streamed down my cheek.

  There was silence for a few minutes. Then Chelsea interupted.

  "Where are we going to hide her?" She asked.

   "We'll have to drive. Far away." I answered.

   "I know a place." Maria said.

   "Where?" Chelsea and I both asked in unison.

   "There's this place, not too far from here and it's out of any radius that the police search though." She said, not done speaking I'm assuming. "It's an old house, in the basement there's a well."

 "Annnddd..?" Chelsea asked.

   "We can dump her body in it,"

  "Oh god!" Chelsea screeched, starting to sob loudly once more.

  "Let me finish!" She snapped. "We can pour dirt in it until it's filled and put the top back on it. There's some old cement down there too, just need water. The house has access to running water through a hose." She finished.

  "So, you're saying we dump her in a well, bury her with dirt, put cement over it, and put the lid on?" I asked.

 "Exactly." She answered.

  After Chelsea stopped crying she said something through her silent sobs.

  "All this.? And it was Just a Dare."


Pretty deep stuff here guys. What do you think they'll do next? Also, check out my story The Runaway. I just posted it a few days ago and I hope you like it!! :)


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