Chapter 2

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"Alright Emma have a nice day in school" Sasha said as I closed the door behind me, "And you too" I replied with a smile as I walked into the school building with my admission letter and receipt of school fees payment. As soon as I entered, I saw everyone rushing into their classes while some glared at me like an alien. Maybe it's because I'm new which it happens to everyone right? But it will become a problem after 2 weeks because they will be in for trouble with me. I walked into a corridor based on the map given to my dad leading to the principal's office. I knocked on the door and heard a a voice ordering me to come in. I walked in with a smile and looked at the Principal. "Good morning sir" I greeted, "Good morning young lady, what can I do for you?" He asked, "I'm a new transferred student" I replied. "Oh yes, you moved because of your dad's business, it must be stressful right?" He asked me, so that's what dad told him, nicely played dad "Indeed sir" I replied after a moment. "So.." He began as he stood up from his chair "Welcome to this private school, I know it won't be hard for you to adjust to the system since you come from there, all students are usually in one class unless exceeded the max of the class or if you are a science student where most of the science class happens in the lab. You will find it on the map, so let me take you to your class" he said as we began walking in the now empty hallway. We reached the class as I noticed it arranged in ascending order. "Good morning students"  he greeted, "Good morning Mr Owens" they replied in unison to the Principal who I happen to find out his name, 'bad intro' Mr! "This is Emma Michaels, a transferred student and I want you all to make her feel at home. So, April and Sarah please assist her with anything she needs OK? and take  her to Mrs Clara to get the forms" he said, "yes sir" they replied at  the same time. I went ahead and searched for a seat which I found at the middle of the class. I sat and found everyone staring me. 'Do I look like a ghost or what?. The first few periods before break passed and we left for break. As I walked out of the class, April and Sarah who happens to be my bodyguard approached me." Hey Emma, how you doing?" April asked me,  "Not bad and you?" I asked trying to get the conversation over with. "So I'm April Donovan, and this is.. "Sarah Williams" the other girl replied. We would like to be friends with you and help you, you know" I nodded hoping it's not all a façade like in my previous school. Two girls, Isabella and most of all Tania who happens to be the reason of my expulsion tried being my friend too. I would have refused and be rude, but I wasn't ready to reveal my true self now. They took me to Mrs Clara to collect the student membership, club and sport forms to fill and submit tomorrow.

We began to talk to each other like old friends catching up and they are nothing like the girls in my previous school. Actually I like Sarah more, she's almost like me, keyword: almost. We went into the cafeteria and sat on their table. We began eating, when some tall, muscular and handsome... guys walked in wait what! did I just say that,  cut out from it Emma. I just acted like I wasn't thrilled with the gods that walked in. I know I hate boys but God they are handsome. One of them who happens to be their clique leader bumped into my chair and made me spill my drink, he passed me and didn't have any courtesy to apologise. All the admiration died when I stood up and pulled him back. "What's with you, you bumped into me and can't even apologise" he turned back with an eyebrow lifted "Why the hell are you holding me bitch, f*** off" he said pulling his arm roughly from my grasp. "You are really a jerk, you should meet your mom to teach you some manners" I half yelled making the people in the cafeteria laugh at my brave action. April pulled on my clothes "Just drop it girl, don't get into trouble" I listened to her and earned a glare from him before he sat down. Once he was out of sight, April let out a loud sigh and turned to me "Do you know who that guy is in this school" she said,  "He's not a person I would like to know, he lacks manners" I said wiping off the drink from my soiled clothes with a cloth. "You are so awesome Emma, like you are the first girl to stand up to that jerk" Sarah said. "Thanks Sarah" I replied, that why I like her , in fact she's my perfect twin.

We went back to our class and the day came to an end. April, Sarah and I shared contacts before I walked out to see Sasha in the parking lot. I entered into the car as she drove off. "How was school today"  she asked and glanced at me before returning her gaze on the road. "Good and Bad" I replied after putting in my seat belt. "Bad? Let's start with the good one" she said, "Well I happen to made good friends today, April and Sarah, and God Sarah is my twin" she smiled. "That good to know, so let's get to the bad one" she said, "A stupid jerk and an animal who happens to live among humans bumped into me and didn't even apologise and my goodness he's so rude!" I said breathlessly while my sister had to laugh like an idiot. "How is that funny Sasha" I said. "Because, it a beginning of a love story Emm" she said looking at me. I faced palmed myself, "Please remind me to tell Seth to be taking me to school, you are unbearable" I stated before I looked out of the window all the way home

Here is another update. So this might be different in your country,  my country, we all stay in one classroom for all the classes unless you are science inclined. I wouldn't want to write something I'm not sure of. Thanks for reading, getting good comments and votes will be encouraging.

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