Important announcement!

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To say that this update it long overdue would be the biggest understatement or the year.

First, I want to apologize for taking so long to post an update with my book. After I graduated high school, I got absorbed in work and rarely did anything aside from working or sleeping which didn't leave much time for anything else. Again, for that, I'm sorry. While I am still a bit of a work-a-holic, I have been able to secure more 'me' time. Due to this, I have had the opportunity to start writing more!

On that note, my story is moving! I have been given the opportunity publish my story on Dreame and therefore must remove it from here. Don't worry! There will be a link at the bottom for you guys to see the story there, I promise. Updates on Dreame will be weekly, occurring on Friday rather than all at once with the additional chapters I have written. Please, even if you have read the book completely on this site here, go show it love! I would greatly appreciate it and besides, if you guys love the book as much as you say, it wouldn't hurt to re-read it once, would it?

I apologize to all of you that are in the middle of reading the book on here and have to wait. I know updating once a week isn't much at all but it gives me the time that I need to finish the book without having to stress much. Again, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your progress, I really am.

Anyway, please go show the book some love every Friday and don't miss out on any of the next chapters on there! I would greatly appreciate it and if you guys have any questions for me or anything, don't hesitate to send me a message or post a comment, I will respond to them as soon as I can!

Here's that link!

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