Kim Taehyung

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I haven't updated in more than a month, shit, sorry! I just- was busy with school. PS: I mostly never read my smut later again, because it makes me cringe so hard haha.

Me and my friends were walking towards a large ass crowd for god knows what reason.

As we got closer, I noticed what it really was.

"Isn't that Taehyung?" One of my friends gaped at the sight.

"Why isn't he wearing a shirt?" The other friend said.

"He looks hot." Another groaned.

I just sighed and got a little closer to the crowd, the drama mattered more to me than gazing at the guy's irresistibly hot body. After all, I was the student council president.

"Hey. What's happening here?" I stood there tall with hands on my waist.

There were a few girls who stood close to Taehyung. This guy was smirking even when he looked at me.
It somewhat made me irritated.

"You. What's happening here?" I point at a girl and pierce her with my gaze, it makes her shake a little in fear.

I was feared by most of the students.

"I-It was a d-dare." She says and steps back, once she got the chance, she ran away. I called behind her but she left.

I sighed and went forward, stood right infront of him and poked his forehead, "You aren't allowed to do that in the hallway." I was pretty sure my gaze was dangerous enough, however he didn't flinch.

His smirk got only more clear, "Where else am I allowed to do it?" He winks deviously. It makes my cheeks fluster. This guy..finding double meanings like this..

"I'm the council president. Behave." I whisper to him. I look around and cross my arms as I shout at the crowd, "There's no show here! Go back to your classes. Right Now!" The crowd slowly started leaving, I turned back but Taehyung was gone.

"Ah! Y/N! You stopped the show.." My friends groaned at me in disappointment.

"Rules, babies." I grin and return to class.

After school I went back to the council room and assisted in the work. I still had a few reports to go through so I let the assistants and other members leave early. They were reluctant but obeyed and left.

It felt boring to have to be so strict everyday. Why can't I live on the edge? I pouted and threw myself on the seat with my arms around my head.

Taehyung does look hot though. But he's probably after some hot ass dramatic bitch from school. I sigh and facepalm. Definitely would never be me.

I quickly go through the reports and attempt to place the files back on the shelves. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say while I still try to plave the last file on the high up rack. The door opened and shut closed. Footsteps were getting closer while I still kept trying. Even on my tiptoes I couldn't reach it.

Suddenly the file was swiftly pulled from my hand and racked up on the shelf. "Thanks" I said as I kept looking at the files in satisfaction, as my eyes turned towards the helper, my eyes widened and I blinked awkwardly "Oh. Taehyung? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see something." He smirks deviously, with his eyes that looked deep like a sea. Before I could even utter a word, I was forcefully pinned to the shelf behind me.

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