Chapter Six : Smile For The Cameras

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Skylars Point Of View

The concert has started already I'm on the top with the other people who paid thousands of dollars too see this dofus perform I don't understand whats so speacil about Tyler.

But, then again I think too myself I was a fangirl at some point in my teenage years still am if I'm too be honest I actually do understand I mean I would be freaking out if I went too a Justin Bieber concert or a Selena Gomez I would of freaked out.

As the concert goes on I admit he has some pretty loyal fans and fans who do care and love him a lot and the little incident that happened during his performance showed that he truly loves and cares about his fans too. That made me see something in him like maybe he's not so stuck up as I think he is or....

Maybe he's just a good damn actor.

Hey ! I'm just saying you never know with these famous people.

I'm sorta getting into the concert impressed with the dance moves songs are catchy then it went all down hill during his last and final song honestly made me feel weird almost like the song was directed too me or he was singing too me. But, I'm also just imagining all this in my little head.

The concert is over and I'm being dragged back stage without my own consent ! By my manager and at this point I'm just like does it really change if I were too protest.

"Alright Sky remember you guys have too look like you're best friend's or even in love I don't know maybe have a little kiss on the cheek in one of the photos."  Izzy says.

"Wait what I don't recall you ever explaining any of this I mean any of this too me at all and what in love!" I say starting too panic.

"Honey your an actress you'll figure it out." Izzy says.


"Remember too smile for the cameras." Izzy says walking away.

Just like that I'm left alone like roadkill.

It's soo crowded everyone's phone lights are flashing there's yelling crying oh you know the typical things that go on.



Wasn't expecting any of this at all thats a fact. I also didn't expect right when I walked in everyone would know my name too and start blaring me with questions.

"Omg you're Skylar are you and Tyler dating."

"Tyler loves you do you love him!"

"Skylar can't wait for you too be in the new tv show!!"

"Do you ever think about kissing Tyler!"

"Have you seen him shirtless!!"

Now lemme tell you that last question  had everyone screaming twice as loud and thinking about him shirtless. But, what they don't know is I actually don't get me wrong it wasn't that bad of a view.

"Hey Sky so glad you made it." Tyler says coming up too me and hugging me taking me by completely off guard.

"Uh..oh yeah totally wouldn't have missed it for the world." I saying pulling my biggest smile.

"Omg can I please take a picture of you guys??!!" a fan says shaking looking like shes about too faint.

"Sure thing love." Tyler says pulling me closer too his waist and staring deeply into my eyes making me shudder.

After two long but, fun hours of taking picture's and meeting some of the fans and answering the same type of questions over again I over all had a great time.

I'm leaving from the backstage knowing that my car is out there waiting already. Once I open that door paparazzi is flashing pictures blinding me bomb boarding me with insane questions and too make things worse Tyler comes out making things twice as chaotic.

Let the fun begin.

"Tyler Tyler how are feeling about your new show your staring in??"

"Skylar what are your thoughts from being a nobody too somebody??"

Geez that was a harsh one I think too myself pushing my way too get too the car. Now would be a good time too have a security guard.

Right when I'm about too open the car car door Tyler grabs me by the waist pulling me closer too him and he starting inching closer too my face.

Everything starts slowing down my heart rate picking up speed my palms starting too sweat. I start panicking not knowing how too get out of this situation right when his lips are about touch mine I push on his chest my eyes going wide I jump into the car panicking and thinking...

Tyler just tried kissing me.

He tried taking my first ever real kiss.

He tried taking my first ever kiss infront of a dozen cameras.

Holy Shucks.

After my stage of shock is done my stage of anger comes what the actual SHUCKS why why why !!

Ooohhh when I see that bimbo again the only thing that will be kissing his lips are my fist ! What the actual fudge nuggets on earth was he thinking.

I can't believe I act for a second was going too let that happen. Damn it Sky what were you thinking I was tricked into this concert thing this was all a set up. All nonsense.

Oh stop it Sky you knew what you were walking into.

Shut up.

Am I really arguing with my self in my own damn head.


Yes you are.

What has my life become.

My driver drops me off at the hotel I get down saying my thanks of course because I can still be mad but still have my manners. I storm up too our room were sharing just waiting too give Tyler a piece of my mind. I throw open the door making a dramatic entrance but it was all for nothing.





I pace across the room back and forth and finally I decide too be like one of those parents in the movies who turn off all the lights sits on a couch and just wait until the person you're waiting for walk in then you turn on the lamp beside you giving them that look like.

No ones saving you now buddy.

Thats exactly what I do.

I take a seat on these comfy hotel couches and wait.


Author's Note :

Ahhh CHESS my lovelies chapter six is uppp what did you think ??? I'm back at it updating and giving you your daily dose of Sklyer ahaha there ship name what you think but please do comment if you come up with something better 😂. Next update will hopefully be Sunday but if not then Monday <3 As always my lovelies don't forget too comment ! Vote and follow mehh 😙

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