Chapter Eight : Asshole

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Skylars Point Of View

I hear Tyler and his dad arguing about something pressing my ear closer to the door trying to hear I don't mean to eavesdrop.

I walk out of the hotel room and into the living room with them they don't notice my appearance yet when I hear Tyler's dad say something.

"Tell me what." I say looking between the two of them crossing my arms over my chest.

Right away Tyler's dad gets up extending his hand towards me.

"Timothy Tyler's father and manger you must be Skylar nice to meet you." I take his hand with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you as well what's going on here" I say hoping for some answers. While Tyler is just leaning against the wall not paying attention scrolling through his phone.

"Well because of Tyler's attempt at a big publicity stunt didn't go so well we have to do damage control not only for Tyler but for you as well." Tim says but I'm not really following just nodding my head along to whatever he says because that's the respectful thing to do.

"You and Tyler need to be spotted out in public holding hands or something and being good friends so the fans can see possibly their is something between you guys and not just Tyler getting rejected."

"You guys must plan to go out today but do it soon because both of your guys flights are off tonight Tyler you're going to perform again for another one of your tours and Skylar your manager was discussing your flying back home to New York and then Friday you guys are both flying to LA for your first show rehearsals. Now look you guys figure this out make it right I've got calls to make and places to be again nice meeting you." Tim says walking towards the door but not before turning around and giving Tyler a stern look telling him to and I quote

"Don't do any stupid shit" with that the door shuts with a small click.

I look towards Tyler he's looking at me we're just caught in a staring competition and best believe I'm not going to lose.

A min goes by he rolls his eyes and blinks looking away from me and scoffs looking annoyed.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I say teasing having a laugh escape.

"Look I just want to get today over with so what do you want to do for the cameras." As he walks over and takes a seat on the couch.

"Okay look sorry your morning isn't going as planned because you didn't keep your lips to yourself because that's your problem not mine" I say anger coming to my face no way he's giving me his attitude.

"Well if I were you I would look online because it's not just my problem but yours too" as he walks into the bathroom shutting the door.

Damn why did I let him get the last word. I go the room to get my phone to see what he's talking about and sure enough I'm the one who's getting hated on too what how does that even work he tried to kiss me.

I'm looking through the pictures of me pushing away Tyler and the comments are pretty harsh.

"How could she push away Tyler he's so hot."

"If I was Tyler I'd move on pretty quick she's not that pretty anyways."

"If that was me I'd let Tyler kiss me in a heartbeat."

"What's wrong with this girl she should go back to where she came from."

Wow his fans are not scared to bite.

So many of Tyler's fan don't come to play.

Tyler's right it's not just his problem but my problem too.

I mean what's the problem I shouldn't care about my first kiss right in my new tv show I'm going to be having a bunch of kiss scenes with Noah so why not just get it out of the way. In high school I've never had time to date boys sure I thought some were cute but my sole purpose was just to focus on becoming an actress. A first kiss is no big deal.

Right ?

Okay screw it I should just get it over with.

Damn what's taking Tyler so long in the bathroom I need to shower and get ready as well.

I walk over to the hotel bathroom door and start knocking

"Tyler come on you take forever I still need to get ready myself" with that no response

With a defeated sigh I walk over to the room gathering my things and just decide to leave to my mothers hotel room why didn't I think of that before. Wait how could my mom even allow me to share a hotel room with a complete stranger what the heck.

As I'm right about to leave the hotel the bathroom door finally opens.

Tyler walks out again with just a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet flopped down it looks really cute actually.

Sky you're drooling again

"Where are you going" Tyler says shaking his head in another towel

"I was going to my moms room because you were taking so long in the bathroom" I say trying to look everywhere but him.

"Alright well I'm out now bathroom is all yours you can have it" he starts to walk away to the other room to change and I don't know what comes over me when I tell him

"Can I kiss you" I say very much embarrassed

I can tell I definitely caught him off guard he looks at me questioningly and starts walking closer to me and taking steps back until I finally stop right behind the hotel room door.

He's so close to me I can smell the soap on his body not to mention he's still shirtless and in only a towel.

"You want to kiss me even after I tried to kiss you yesterday and you got all pissed off" he says raising his eyebrows.

I'm really nervous with him so close to me I haven't been this close to a guy before.

"Only because I've realized a kiss is not a big deal and since we are professional actors we are going to have um you know kiss scenes in the future might as well get it over with and start kissing have our lips comfortable with one another" oh my God did I really just say that Tyler most likely thinks I'm a complete idiot right now.

"I mean I guess you're right so what are you waiting for I'm right here" Tyler says

Wow so he wants me to actually do all the work what I would expect him to meet me half way. What do I even do with my hands.

Oh just screw it I'm just gonna go for it.

I start leaning my face closer to Tyler's close my eyes and at the last second he turns his face and my lips meet his cheek. I open my eyes quickly he's looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Rejection doesn't feel too good does it" with that he walks away and shuts the door to the room. I'm too stunned to speak

No way did he just play me embarrassment washes over me automatically oh my gosh I am a complete idiot but he's worse

He's an asshole.

I take my bag with me in the shower and think over the complete fool I made of myself I can't believe it.

How could I ever live this down.

And to make things worse I have to spend the whole day with him pretending we like each other!

Today is going to be just awful.

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