Chapter 18

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We were traveling to Mereen Drogo and I riding in front. I had Rhaego tied to my back securely. I look up and saw slaves tied up and were rotting.

" I can order one of the dothraki men to cut her down." Ser Jorah said

" how long does it go for?" Daenerys asks.

"A mile and a half princess. You shouldn't see this." He said

" we will look at every one of their faces." Daenerys commanded him. I'm so proud of my sister. She has blossomed into a wonderful woman.

When we get into the gates of Meereen there was a challenger. It is a tradition in Meereen to kill the challenger. My husband decided to do that. I explain to them that there is no slaves in my army that they joined me willingly. Soon the people of Meereen wanted me as Queen. And I killed the masters who killed innocent men women and children. As I sat in the pyramid of Meereen I learned that my dragons are going rampage. Drogon missing after he killed a child I realized that my dragons are a danger to the Meereen people. I went to the bottom of the pyramid to chain up Viserion and Rhaegal. It was so hard for me to do but I had no other choice and I did it for my people. Everyday someone needed my help. Months went on all of them good until One day when I entered the throne room and saw Ser Barrienstan Grey Worm Missendei and Daario looked at me with sad eyes. I was holding Rhaego with Cassiel by my side. Everyone moved out of the way. And what I saw on the table was something I never wanted to see. I would have dropped Rhaego if not for Cassiel. Rhaego barely more than a year. I let out a wail and I ran to my sister. She was motionless and cold as ice. Drogo came running In and saw Daenerys.

"Who done this? Who has killed my beloved sister?" I demanded.

We do not know yet Khaleesi." Missendei answered me.

" she had this in her hand my queen. We did not open it. I believe she was coming to show you when she was murder." Set Barrienstan said handing me a piece of paper. I read it. What I read made me more furious than evet

"Rakharo go get me Ser Jorah now." I commanded. He nods his head and leaves

I walk up the steps to the throne. Cassiel is on my right. Drogo on my left. Drogo is now hold Rhaego because I whisper it in this ear what the letter is about and what I was going to do he didn't want to harm anyone right now. He said he was going hunting g with his bloodriders later to relieve the hurt. He thought of Daenerys as his little sister. He sworn that he will protect her when I was kidnap and he felt he has betrayed her.

I saw Ser Jorah walking when he came in he saw Daenerys body laying on the table to the side. He took a step forward to her. My dothraki and my unsullied and unseath their swords and stood in front of Dany.

"Ser Jorah do you know why I summoned you here." I asked

" no my khaleesi" he replied. Walking the steps to get closer to me. I raised my hand to stop him

" that's close enough. Do you have anything you wish to confess to me." I ask I look at him with hurt betrayal and anger in my eyes.

No I dont khaleesi" he lied to me.

The why did the upsuper pardon you." I asked.

" if we can speak alone" he ask

" no we may not. Speak to me here. Explain it to me. Why were you pardon." I demanded.

"I gave letters to Varys a spy master in kings landing." He said

" what where the content of these letters."


"What information"

The day you Daenerys and Viserys arrived in pentos. Viserys plans to marry your sister to khal Drogo and you tricking him. When..... When your brother was killed."

"Did you tell them i was carrying Drogo child"


" Dont call me that. Did you tell them I was carrying Drogo child yes or no" I said

" yes" he whisper

"When I was supposed to be kidnap that was no accident was it" I ask getting up

"No. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to." He started crying

" You sold my secrets to a man who killed my father, my brother and good sister. And now my beloved little sister is dead because of you. My sister was pure and good. I promised my mother that I would protect and love her as if she was my own I was only seven name days old. And you expect me to forgive you." I said in disbelieve.

" Valaena" he said getting up grabbing my hand.

" don't ever presume to touch me and don't ever say my name. If you were any other man I would have you killed. But I don't want you alive or dead in my city. You have until nightfall to collect your things and go back to your masters collect your pardon if you can. If you are still here past the break of day I will have your head thrown into slavers bay. Get out. Now" I said

He turns and leaves I just walk to my sister. I just became numb. I didn't see Drogo handing Rhaego to Cassiel nor did I see him come up to me. I was just lost. Now I am the last Targaryen. The Last Dragon.

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