Chapter 22

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As the night wears on and day finally breaks I wake up and see Rhaego is already up and look to my left and seen Drogo had gone. I got up from my bed and went to Rhaego. We gotten dressed and went outside. Rhaego finally learned how to walk and he is so much like his father.

I saw Conan and Cassiel talking. When they see me Conan genstures at me and leaves. Cassiel comes walking up to Rhaego and I.

"Cassiel what's wrong?" I ask her in common tongue. She is my little sister and I'm very protective of her.

"Conan and i talked last night and things were said." She said and pick Rhaego up. She looks torn right now.

"What things Cassiel? What happen?" I ask.

"He asked me to marry him. I told me that I love to its just that Drogo is my brother and a khal I don't know what to do." She explained to me. I just smile at her and rest my hand on her stomach.

"I'll talk to Drogo okay dear for now. We must deal with some things. I take it Conan will be there at the fighting pits." I say. We were walking back to the pyramid. As we were walking I kept my hand around my stomach also and Cassiel say this.

"Does he know yet." She asks. She looks at me as we get closer to the pyramid.

"No not yet I'm planning on telling after the fighting is done. I'm quite excited to have another child." I said.

We reach the pyramid and I hug rhaego close. "Mama where are you going." Rhaego asks.

"Well my son I'm going to the fighting pits and no you may not go because it is no place for children." I said. "Be good for Cassiel okay."

"Yes mama." He says. Rhaego takes Cassiel hand and they walk in. I walk to the fighting pits which they are close. I see my husband is already there and waiting for me.

"Moon of my life you finally came."he says. Kissing my forehead .

I sat down and the contasants came and I clapped once. Ser Jorah killed them all and he was battling another who was stronger then he was. Finally Ser Jorah defeated them all and he looked up and suddenly he grabbed a spear throwing it in my direction. Drogo pushed me down and we looked where it landed. The Golden Harpies. Suddenly there was fighting and my husband left and killed a few

"Protect your queen"Daario screamed.

Suddenly Jorah was right there offering me his hand. I took it and we ran to the ledge. He jumped off first. Drogo was there lowering me down to saftey. We ran to one of the exits when a Golden Harpy cornered us. Drogo didnt hestiate to kill him. We ran to the other side. Suddenly we are surrounded by the golden harpies and everyone was fighting. I stood still and after a minute heard a roar and a puff of smoke. Drogon appeared and started eating and setting people on fire. The golden harpies were throwing spears at him.

"DROGON"i screamed. I reached out to him but before i could touch him another arrow was thrown at him. I pulled it out of him and climbed on his back.

"Fly"I commanded. He took off and I look back at Drogo.

We flew for awhile until we came to a hill with a bones nest.

"We must go back my child. I know it hurts but we cannot stay here." I said. Drogon just looked at me and put his head down and went to sleep. Sighing I left and went wondering where I am until I heard thunding hooves. I looked to my left and saw a heard. I took off my ring and dropped in the grass just as I was being surrounded by a dothraki herd. Two men bound me in ropes and dragged me to the camp. They thought that I didn't understand them but I did. They will be the first to die when I am free. We get to the camp and I'm forced to sit by the river. Both men came back and dragged me to the tent

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