Chapter 33

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  the third day of the Blood Moon, the khal gave to me Three dragon eggs,Two medallion belts,And a crown for a king!

*valaena pov*

I took my army to kings landing and i had them wait around the castle. Drogo and the rest of them were going through the city while I flew over head. Drogo let out a screech and everyone looked at me as i walked towards the meeting.

"Your late" Cersei says as i sat down

"My apologies." I said.

"Lets begin shall we" cersei says.

Sandor goes and gets the crate and opens it then kicks it down. The Wight walker came charging towards Cersei snapping it jaws. Drogo stood in front of me since it was getting closer. Sandor pulled on the chain and the wight was yanked back and everyone relaxed. Sandor cut the wight walker in half as Jon Snow walked towards it.

"There are two ways two kill. Fire and dragonglass. If we come together we can destroy the night king army before it is too late" Jon snow said

Cersei let out a small chuckle. "They are just bed time stories that the wet nurses tell the children"

"It is true i never believed it. Then i saw them." I said

"How many are there. These wight walker." Cersei asked.

"Enough to take over all the seven kingdoms. Every moment we kill each other the night king army grows stronger. " Jon snow said

"I will fight for you. Because you are the son of Ned Stark. Bend the knee to me and you will have your army" cersei says.

Jon snow looks over to me and then back at Cersei.

"I try to be an honorable man and im true to my word but i cannot serve two queens. I already pledge me allegiance to Valaena of house Targaryen." Jon snow said.

"Very well then" cersei says.

Just before she got up and wild looking man spoke up. "Can the swim"

"No but the are on an endless march. Never eating, drinking nor sleeping." Jon said

""I am getting on a boat and going across the sea. If you were smart you will go to. Take your army back and live." The man said coming closer to me.

As he did Drogo stood in front of me with his arkh slightly drawn. The man looked terrified at Drogo before walking away.

With that Cersei gets up. "Well then if that is all you may leave."

"Thats it. You are going to let your people just die. You will die also." Jon said trying to convince her.

"I have no problem with that" cersei says walking away.

"Your grace if i may. I might be able to change her mind and fight for us." Tyrion said.

I looked at him "she will kill you"

"I know and im prepared for that. But she is also scared at what she just saw. Allow me to convince her to fight for us." He asked.

I nodded my head once and Tyrion walked away.

I walked to one of the columns and stood by them as Drogo came up to me.

"Moon of my life. Is this where the iron chair is at?"he asked

"Yes my sun and stars. This is where the iron chair is at this is where i was raised at." i said

He wrapped me up in his strong arms and held me. Finally Tyrion came back and Cersei was following him.

"I changed my mind. I will help you fight the night king army but do not mistakes this for anything else. Once this is over i will kill you."Cersei says.

With that we return to our army and we prepared for the journey ahead of us. I looked up and i saw my children. Cassiel was holding Daeneria while Rhaego walked beside her. The tent was put up by the time both children were with us. Cassiel was barely showing any signs of being pregnant with the furs she was wearing. She left us and went to her own tent after a spending time with us.

Drogo and i put the kids in between us when we laid down and we fell asleep.

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