Chapter Seven

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Beware of fluffy times and cute kisses

dedicated to my wonderful girlfriend who has no idea this story exists.


Eat. I told myself.

Just eat. I kept saying over and over.

I stared at sandwich on my plate.

"Kellin, are you okay?" Alex asked.

I nodded, just eat.

I need to gain weight. Then nurses are worried, hell, I'm worried.

But it's so challenging.

"You don't seem okay." He said.

But I am okay. I'm getting better, I just haven't eaten and I'm trying to fix that.

"It's okay, you don't have to force yourself." Vic said.

I shook my head, "I have get better." I said.

Jack looked at me with sad eyes. "Kellin, you don't need to force yourself to do this."

I looked down, "but I want to get better..." I trailed, my eyes becoming glossy.

"Baby, you'll get better. But forcing yourself to eat isn't going to help anything. It takes time." Vic said.

"But I've been here for over a year...I should be better." I said.

"But you've only just recently wanted to get better." Alex pointed out.

I looked down, a tear falling from my eye.

I felt like I was never going to get better.


And that killed me.

Vic lifted my chin before placing his lips onto mine. I smiled when he pulled away, "You're perfect to me. Don't focus on your flaws, because you'll get better. I promise." He said.

I believed his promise.

He slid his hand into mine, and kissed my hand.

"I love you." I said, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

He smiled, "I love you too." He whispered, kissing my nose.

"You guys are so cute." Alex said.

I blushed, looking down. "Stop it, you look cute when you blush." Vic said.

"shut up." I mumbled. "But you're cute." He mumbled, kissing my cheek.


I was craving him. That's it.

I wanted him.

I needed him.

So I zoned out all of the non sense, Ms Mason blabbed about, and thought about Vic.

How perfect he looked. His perfect brown hair and eyes. How his laugh was contagious, as his smile was. He seemed to be one of the most quiet, happiness of us all. And that sort of scared me.

Sometimes when someone stands out with happiness, we suspect they could be hiding their sadness.

And I feel like Vic is doing that.

Once class was dismissed, I went to my room as fast as I could. Vic was strumming a guitar he borrowed from the music room.

"Hey." He said and smiled. I smiled and sat down. "Hi." I said.

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