The argument

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Severide and Dawson felt awkward just sitting on the couch after Brett left so Dawson turned on the tv, blue planet was on. She pretended she was interested in the coral reef however, she was interested in a certain someone who was sitting on the other couch across the room. Severide.
"Now that we're alone can we talk?" Severide asked.
"About what" replied Dawson still looking at the tv.
Severide sat up. "About what happened at your leaving party"
"That we had sex in the storage room" Gabby said casually.
"Yeah" Severide responded confused that Gabby was so nonchalant about it.
"What about it"
"Well,What does it mean."
Dawson got up off the couch and walked over to Severide. She put her hands on his shoulders and straddled him. She slowly leaned into his chest and whispered in his ear "what ever you want it to mean." She then laughed and rolled off him.
"What the hell was that Dawson!" Kelly yelled embarrassed.
"It was just a joke don't take it seriously" Dawson dismissed.
"Did you forget I liked you? Why would you do that, whatever happened in Afghanistan get over it, don't mess with me like that again" Kelly stormed off and headed to the guest room.
Dawson regretted what she did as soon as she saw the hurt in Severide's eyes. She did know that he liked her and thought he saw it as a joke too. She had strong feelings towards Severide, sure. He was there for her after Shay died. She was there for him with both Renee's. But were they romantic feelings?

Ten minutes later Brett came home with a bag full of ingredients Dawson had asked for to make her famous chicken mac'n'cheese. "Where's Sev?"
"Went to bed early, he was really tired" Gabby lied getting up to grab a glass of red wine pouring two big glasses. The rest of the evening was filled with them laughing and cooking and drinking wine.
"We're mermaids!" Sylvie exclaimed, the wine was definitely getting to her head. Gabby chuckled. "But seriously this smells so good when will it be done?"
"Right about.... now" Gabby announced putting the finishing touches of Parmesan and her secret ingredient nutmeg on the dish. "It's the best one I've made if I do say so myself" she gloated.
Dawson started eating however she could feel Brett's eyes on her. "What?" She asked nervously.
"You seem distracted, did something happen while I was out?" Sylvie queried.
"If I tell you, you'd think I'm evil" Gabby sighed.
"Spit it out" Sylvie half joked- half scorned.
Gabby told her all about how she teased Severide and laughed about him liking her. She also told her she didn't know how she felt about him.
"Go upstairs and speak to him, trust me, he will forgive you, he was pining over you the whole time you were gone" Brett advised Dawson, she shipped them together. Gabby obeyed Sylvie's orders and headed upstairs.

"Hey Severide, can I come in please" Gabby asked gently knocking on the closed oak door.
"What do you want" Kelly replied on the other side of the door.
"To say I'm sorry. I was an ass earlier and I shouldn't of done what I did"
A few seconds later there was the shuffling sound of footsteps heading towards the door, they suddenly stopped and the door handle turned. Kelly opened the door and let Gabby in closing it behind her.
"Can we sit and talk?" Gabby enquired already sat on the velvet red king sized bed. Kelly followed and sat a few inches from Gabby.
"Listen, I apologise for what I did earlier, I'm messed up. I don't know what to do anymore it's like I'm in a trance and I can't get out. I feel like this isn't my life and I'm an empty puppet being controlled" her voice started to crack. "I just want things to change"
All of a sudden Kelly put a hand on her shoulder and his other hand placed on her knee. "Tell me what happened over there. Please. I wanna be there for you to lean on but I can't. Not if you don't tell me what happened, not if you don't put your guard down and let me in." Kelly begged.
"Okay" she finally sighs.

End of chapter-
Authors notes: hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter I originally had something else planned but I came up with this and now I have many other ideas to lead the story on! Feel free to comment if/how I can improve as well as any other notes/suggestions you have for this story. Thank you for reading :)

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