Chapter 4

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       Y/N’s POV

    The school week went by fast for me, it was already Friday. Avoiding those girls were hard, but I was successful! Not to mention my injuries, if those even count, have already healed. I was about to head home, but then I remembered. Jimin! I opened my sketchbook to look at the address he gave me, I think I might know the street the place is on. I headed towards the address, once I was there I found out the place was a internet cafe! I looked for Jimin and saw him waving at me at a table with some computers. I sat down next to him and nodded to say hi. He was already smiling. Gosh, his smile. I smiled with him, he motioned at the computer, ‘Want to play with me?’ I looked at our computers and almost burst out laughing. Roblox. He wants us to play Roblox. I nodded, I’ve played roblox before when I was younger, so I was hoping I wasn’t too bad. We started to play a ‘Boys vs. Girls’ map. Girls were winning. I glanced at him, he looked frustrated, ‘How are you guys winning so much?!’ I laughed silently, maybe I was better than I thought, I should play games more often. After a few rounds of games, Jimin wanted to stop. We left the internet cafe to go to a ice cream shop. According to Jimin, it was his favorite ice cream shop, and I had to treat us to some, because I kept winning so much. When we stepped in Jimin stopped pouting and started to smile, I did too. It was a cute little ice cream parlor that smelled heavenly, I could see why Jimin liked this place. He ran to the counter and I followed behind him, he started ordering something, but I didn’t know what, since he wasn’t facing me. He looked back at me smiling, ‘What do you want to order?’ I looked up at the menu, there were so many things that made my mouth water, but I didn’t know what to choose. I looked at Jimin, he seemed to understand my predicament, so he ordered something for me. After I paid for our food, we moved to a table for two. I looked at what Jimin ordered for me, it was a sundae. ‘Looks so good.’ I mouthed, but Jimin probably didn’t see that. I looked up to see him smiling at me, I guess he did see. ‘You know you could go ahead and eat it, right?’ I nodded my head and grabbed my spoon. I put a spoonful in my mouth, I moaned quietly. The dark chocolate drizzle on top of the vanilla ice cream that had little pink sprinkles made me absolutely die. The taste was heavenly. Jimin must've saw my reaction, because he looked really proud and had a huge smile on his face. I smiled with him and continued to eat my sundae.

        Jimin’s POV

    I took her to my favorite ice cream parlor. The ice cream there was always the best! I loved going there, but I never took anyone there before. Not even Bangtan. Yet, I brought Y/N, was it because of the bet? I shook my head and ate my ice cream, I looked at Y/N, she looked like she was enjoying herself, she was smiling a lot. Her smile. It’s so cute, the way her lips turn up when she’s happy. I stared at her lips, they were cute, perfect for kissing- Kissing?! No! I don’t want to kiss her, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down. How could I think of her in such a way. I only want to date her because of the bet, not because I like her... Do I like her? I felt something touch my arm, I looked up to find Y/N looking worried. I shook my head, “It’s nothing. Just stupid thoughts.” She nodded and continued to stare at me. I looked away nervously, “Is there something on my face…?”  She shook her head and motioned for me to keep talking. I looked at her confused, “You want me to keep talking? Why?” I know asking her questions was stupid since she can’t speak, but I felt like I knew what she meant even with small gestures. She looked away in thought, then she pointed at herself and then at me. “You want me?” She shook her head, turning red at her cheeks. Cute. “Oh, you want to learn more about me...?” She nodded her head, smiling. “Hmm, fine, but only if I could ask you stuff too!” She looked nervous, but slowly nodded. I sat up straight and leaned forward, my elbows resting on the table. “Why do you always wear headphones?” I asked, pointing at her headphones. She held onto them and looked down sadly. I frowned, “Did I ask something too personal? Should I ask a different question?” She looked up and nodded, I looked around. I shrugged and leaned back into my chair, “What’s your favorite color?” She looked at me for a while, I mean, it was a pretty stupid question. She pointed at a color on her clothes. “Y/C?” She nodded, Y/C is a nice color. I nodded, “Now, your turn.” She looked down in thought, then she looked up, eyes sparkling. Then she frowned. Must be a hard question to ask with just gestures. Then, all of a sudden, she leaned in close. I felt my cheeks heat up, “Wha-” She pointed at her lips and started mouthing something. ‘'  I looked at her confused, but then understood. She must mean on Monday, when I saved and her and the rest of Bangtan were behind me. She sat back into her seat, and waited patiently. “Those guys were my friends, we have our own little group. We call ourselves Bangtan or BTS. It means Bulletproof Boy Scouts.” She looked at me smiling and holding laugh, I rolled my eyes and smiled, “Yeah yeah, we call ourselves boy scouts. Go ahead, laugh.” She started laughing, but I couldn’t hear anything. Oh yeah. She can’t speak. I looked at her sadly, being mute must be really tough. She looked at me and stopped laughing. She reached out for my hand again and looked concerned. I held her hand in mine, noticing a faint blush on her cheeks. “Doesn’t it scare you? I mean, not being able to talk. Doesn’t it hurt?” She looked at me seriously, and then looked down with a small smile on her face. She nodded, but then looked at me smiling widely, she brought her other hand up and did an ‘ok’ sign with it. I looked at her as she tried mouth something. ‘It… is… okay… family… friends… keep… me… safe… and... happy.’ She continued to smile at me. I looked at her and smiled as well. Whoever this girl was, her smile was contagious, and she was definitely interesting.

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