Chapter 13

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      No One's POV

   Yoongi didn't know he would end up in such a situation. Not to long ago he was laying down in his cold bed, trying to sleep the pain away, but Taehyung had called him for help. Yoongi was now driving to Jungkook's house, something was apparently wrong with the younger, and Yoongi had to admit, he was pretty worried. Ignoring the pain he felt in his lower abdomen        ]((͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)), he knocked on door, panting because of how out of breath he was. Taehyung opened the door and pulled him in, "Kook's in his room, he's a little better now, but he won't listen to me." Yoongi patted Taehyung's arm, "Got it, I'll head there now." Yoongi tried to go past Taehyung, but was pulled back, "Wait, hyung. What are those bruises on your neck?" Taehyung widened his eyes, he then shot Yoongi a glare, "You-" "That's not what's important right now, we need to focus on Jungkook." Yoongi cut him off and staggered to Jungkook's room. He opened the door slowly, Jungkook was hugging his knees while sitting on his bed. Yoongi gulped nervously, "H-hey, Kook." Jungkook looked up, his eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were tear-stained, "Hyung... Why are you here?" Yoongi slowly walked to Jungkook, wincing as he sat on the edge of the bed, Jungkook crawled next to Yoongi, "Hyung, are you okay? You sound like you're in pain..." Yoongi turned to face Jungkook, "I am, but that doesn't matter. What happened, Kook?" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, "Why does that not matter? Hyung, why are you hurt?" Yoongi sighed, "Kook, I sa-" Jungkook tightly grabbed Yoongi's arm, Yoongi clenched his mouth shut, "I know what you said. Why. Are. You. Hurt." Yoongi glared at the younger, "Currently by the way your holding my arm. Let. Go." Jungkook stayed quiet for a while, cold expression on his face, before he sighed and let go. Jungkook looked down at his feet as they swayed, Yoongi rubbed his arm, noticing it turn red, "Are you gonna tell me what's wrong or are you going to keep being a quiet, angry dumbass?" Jungkook mumbled under his breath, Yoongi frowned, "What?" Jungkook grumbled, "I said I had a panic attack about... A-about what I did to Y/N..." Yoongi's gaze softened, he wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist as he rested his head on the other's shoulder, "If you ever feel comfortable, you can always tell me, Kook. It's not healthy to keep everything in." Jungkook pouted, "The same goes for you, hyung. Where have you been?" Yoongi removed his hand from Jungkook's wait and began to fiddle with his fingers, "I..." He sighed and rested his hands on the edge of the bed, "Well, I won't tell unless you tell." Jungkook frowned, he should've known the older wasn't that easy. Jungkook turned his gaze away from the older, he took a deep breath in, "I was the cause for her going deaf, but also...

Her mother's death."

   "So, what's the plan?" Jimin asked, Namjoon had invited him and Y/N to his home, only mentioning that he found out what he could do. Namjoon shook, "I'll tell you, but first. Are you guys thirsty? I can ask one of the maids to bring something." Y/N shook her head, "Water." Jimin deadpanned. Jimin had waited too long for Namjoon to make a plan, through the time he waited he couldn't help but share Y/N's pain. It's been three weeks since her dad had left her with her grandmother, granted her grandmother gave permission for Y/N to stay at Jimin's. Y/N had been fine in the beginning, but as time passed she had become sad, her sweet, bright smiles fading. Jimin couldn't really blame her, Y/N's dad was her only parent and he knew how close the too had become ever since her mother passed. Yes, Jimin knew about her mother. He grimaced as he remembered, he found Y/N crying in the bathroom, it was the day of her mother's death, but her father had never visited her grave. Jimin hated the way she looked that day, she had been sobbing for the whole day, she looked scared. Like she felt as if her father was going to leave for good. Jimin shook away the memory and focused on what was going on, "Hyung, explain." Namjoon raised an eyebrow at him, Jimin sighed, "Please." Namjoon nodded his head, satisfied. He took a manilla folder and opened. Jimin scooted closer, Y/N stayed where she was, confused by what was going on. Jin entered the room and spotted Y/N, ignoring the other two. He sat next to her and gave her a dazzling smile, "Hello, I'm Jin." Y/N nodded her head, she took his palm and wrote words on it by using her finger, 'I am Y/N, nice to meet you.' She smiled back, Jin tried his best not coo, "Aw, you're cute. No wonder, Jiminie likes you. Y/N covers her cheeks, trying to not let her flustered expression show, 'Thank you.' He nods, smiling wider. Jimin glances at the two and frowns, Namjoon shakes his head, "Ignore them." Jimin clenched his fists on the table, "But he's flirting with her." Namjoon looks up and rolls his eyes, "It's fine. Jin flirts with everybody, you know that. Besides, Jin already has someone and he's not planning to lose them." Jimin widened his eyes and looks back at Namjoon, who's looking back down again, "Really? When?!" "I don't know, two or three years ago...?" Jimin stands up, eyes wide, "WHAT?!" The room is quiet as Namjoon face palms, Jin and Y/N stare wide eyed at Jimin. Jin furrows his eyebrows, "Yah! Why are you yelling?!" Jimin sits down and avoids his gaze. Jin frowns, he looks at Namjoon. Namjoon looks at him and shrugs, then focuses back on his plan, "Now, I've made arrangements. We can pay for the surgery, but we need the guardian's consent." Jimin nods his head, he runs a hand through his hair, "Shouldn't be too hard." Jimin looks up at Namjoon, "... Right?" Namjoon intertwines his hands and places them on the table, "Depends. Do you have a good relationship with her old man?" Jimin sinks down low in his seat, "I used to, until..." Namjoon raises an eyebrow, "Until?" Jimin sighs, "Until he saw me hanging out with Kook." Namjoon nods his head, he stands up, "Then it's done. We need Kook to come with us." Jimin stares at Namjoon in shock, "... What? Are you crazy? We need to convince him, not make him hate us even more!" Namjoon shook his head, "You're not getting it. If we get Jungkook to come with us, we can explain how Jungkook wasn't at fault for her accident. Plus, Jungkook would finally stop being guilty. Two birds, one stone." Jimin shook his head and ruffled his hair, "I still don't get it, but you're the genius one here." Jimin looked up at Namjoon, seriously, "I'll trust you." Namjoon smiled, he patted Jimin's shoulder, "That's all I need."

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