Chapter 5

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        Y/N’s POV

    The day was about to end, and Jimin was walking me home. I would sometimes glance at him, and he always looked nervous. I tried to reach for his hand, to calm him down, but remembered that I probably shouldn’t do something like that. What if someone saw? Like those mean girls who tried to beat me on Monday. I looked down, remembering how I spent the whole day with Jimin. I felt my cheeks warm up. Were we- Were we on a date…? I shook the thought away, no way would Jimin ever want to date someone like me. I’m just an average girl, well, not that average I guess. Not all girls walk around writing in a sketchbook and always wearing headphones, but still! I’m not someone overly pretty, I don’t have the perfect figure, I’m not rich. I’m no way near perfect. I felt shoulder slump down, there I go again feeling insecure. I sighed. Then I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked up to see Jimin, he looked worried. ‘Are you okay?’ I nodded my head, and smiled. I shouldn’t worry Jimin just because I was feeling insecure. I looked forward and saw my house. I pointed at it, and looked at Jimin while smiling. ‘Is that your house?’ I nodded, he smiled and walked me to the front door. Before I opened it, I turned and hugged him. Before he could even react, I opened the door ran in. Once I shut it, I slid down the door and sat on the ground. I was probably blushing really hard. Why did I do that? My dad entered the room, confused. ‘What happened?’ I shook my head and signed, ‘Nothing.’ I ran to my room and shut the door. I climbed onto my bed, and looked out the window, Jimin was still standing, he looked shocked. Then, I saw him smile. He started jumping around and shouting something. I don’t know what he was saying, but he looked really happy. Was he happy because of the hug? I smiled and fell onto my bed, I grabbed my big Pusheen doll and squeezed it. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I wasn’t completely sure on how I felt about Jimin, but if I did like him, maybe he felt the same way? I blushed and rolled around in my bed. ‘Who are you and what are you doing to my fragile heart, Park Jimin!’ I yelled mentally. This guy was driving me nuts, but at least it made me happy…

        Jimin’s POV

    She hugged me. She really hugged me! I started jumping for joy, yelling ‘Yes! Woo woo!’ In the middle of my cheering, I heard an ‘ahem’. I froze turned around and saw a man come out of Y/N’s house. “Why are you yelling in front of my house?” he asked, he looked annoyed. “O-oh, I just- Um…” I tried to change the subject, “Are you related L/N Y/N?” His eyes lit up and he smiled. Bingo. His smile reminds me of Y/N’s, so he’s definitely her dad. “Why yes I am, a cutie isn’t she?” I smiled So, he’s that type of dad. “Y-yeah, she’s super sweet too. I’m Park Jimin, a friend of hers.” I reached my hand out for a handshake. He moved away and hugged me tight. I could feel my bones crack, definitely not someone to mess with. “Haha, sorry, kid, but I’m a hugger. I don’t do handshakes.” He let me go and I could finally breathe again. “N-no… Problem…” I gasped out, giving him a thumbs up. He laughed, I started getting embarrassed. I quickly stood up straight, “So, where’s the Mrs?” He looked away, smiling sadly. “There isn’t one.” Shoot, I already screwed up. “I’m so-” My apology got interrupted by him slamming his hand on my shoulder, “It’s no big deal, kid! Best not to get sad about the past. Anyway, you said you were Y/N’s friend, right?” I slowly nodded, still wincing from the pain on my shoulder. “Just a friend, right? Like you wouldn’t date her?” My eyes widened and I looked at him, he looked serious. I shook my head, and he smiled. “Good, good. No hard feelings, but I’m not ready to let my little girl go. See ya, kid!” He waved me goodbye and left. Definitely not someone to mess with, I shivered trying not to think about him being mad. That was a scary thought. I looked at the sky and noticed it was getting late, I started heading home. Thoughts of today ran through my mind, I started getting confused. Why did I spend so much time with her today? Why was I trying to get so close to her? Why was I so happy when she hugged me? I shook my head, it was obviously because of the deal I made with V. I did not want to go to prom in a dress. I felt guilt seep in to my skin, I felt terrible. I should feel terrible. Y/N is a nice girl, who even has a disability! I’m being an asshole doing this! “Aaaarghh!!” I screamed out, some people looked at me like I was insane, but I didn’t care. I felt like crap, and hurting someone as amazing as Y/N was not helping. I turned and started heading towards V’s house. I knocked loudly on the door, the door opened by an angry V. “Dude, what the heck?! I told you not to disturb me on Fridays! I’m playing Fortnite!” I ignored him, and let myself in. I sank into the couch and sighed, “Looks like I’ll be wearing a dress to prom…” V’s eyes widened and he sat next to Jimin, “You're already giving up?? Why!? You never give up!” Jimin placed his face into his hands and sighed once more, “The girl, she’s way too sweet and innocent. I can’t do that to her.” V frowned and punched Jimin’s shoulder, “So? Think of it as a rude awakening for her. You can’t give up Jimin!” Jimin held his shoulder, and shook his head. V laid back and sighed. Then he sat back up and smirked, “looks like I’ll have to change the rules in the bet then~” Jimin looked, frowning, “You can’t do that!” He couldn’t do that! Right? V shook his head still smirking, “Oh yes I can, I made the bet. So, I can change it.” Jimin scooted away nervously, scared of what V would do. V spoke up, smiling widely, “If I lose the bet, I’ll still wear a dress and bring a male date, but if you lose. You wear a dress and…” ‘Oh no’, Jimin thought. “ for prom queen.” Jimin fell off the couch in shock, “What!? I can’t do that!” V shrugged, “Then don’t give up. Don’t you want to see me get humili-” “Hell yeah.” V frowned and punched Jimin’s arm again, earning an ‘Ow’ from Jimin. “Anyways, if we’re both done being assholes, wanna play Minecraft with me?” Jimin smiled, “Hell to the fricking yeah.” V smiled, “Pfft- Whatever, loser. Let’s go.” They had a sleepover and spent the day playing Minecraft. Jimin was having fun, but the thought of continuing the bet wouldn’t leave him alone. It won’t hurt Y/N that bad.

… Will it?

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