Chapter 4-Nightmare

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Swift's P.O.V:

The one thing I hate the most is sleep.

Every time I close my eyes, I'm scared of seeing their faces again.

Two faces.

The two faces, that made this life to hell.

But of course late night, cosy bed and tiredness leads to sleep. "Hello Taylor!", a voice said.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a beautiful meadow.

Above me, HE was standing. "Hi!", I replied. "Run away, run away!", my mind ordered, but my body didn't agree. "You wanna walk?", HE asked. "Sure!" My mouth also did, what it wanted.

He took my hand and we walked through the grass. "Somebody's over there!", I noticed. "Oh, it's only your dad. Let me deal with that!"

HE walked to him.

As faith wanted it, the rest happened in slow motion.

I saw HIM pull a knife and push it through my dad's neck.

Blood everywhere. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out of my mouth.

HE came back again and pressed his lips on to mine.

Have I mentioned, that my whole body didn't listen to my brain?

So I didn't push HIM away or anything that way, I just let HIM kiss me.

I opened my eyes and screamed.

I'm in my room again.

My mom opened the door. "Everything okay Taylor?", she asked.

I nodded, breathing hard and sweating.

See, why I don't like sleep?

Lautner's P.O.V: "Mrs. Swift said, you should go to school with Taylor. Okay?", mom asked, after I finished my breakfast. "Okay. I'll go now! Bye mom, I love you!"

"Bye my boy! And don't forget to be nice to Taylor! She's in a hard phase right now."

"Sure, I will!"

I grabbed my school bag and left the house.

Taylor was waiting outside already. "Hi!", I said.

Of course no answer. I wonder how this is gonna be at school. "So, what's your first lesson?"

She opened her bag and handed me her time table. "Oh, we have the first one together! Cool, so you already know somebody!"

She put the sheet back in to her bag, when we arrived. "So, welcome to my school!", I called.

Same answer as always: silence. -------------------

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