Chapter 7-Amanda

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Lautner's P.O.V:

"Say hi to Taylor!", mom called. "Sure, bye!"

I left the house and saw Taylor waiting at the fence gate. "Okay, you're gonna meet a few of my friends now.", I said, after arriving at the cinema. "Oh look, here's Amanda!"

"Taylor!", Amanda called. "And you are...?"

"Taylor Swift.", I introduced. "Oh yeah, you told me this fun fact about your names! Hey Taylor, nice to meet you!"

Taylor smiled at her. "She doesn't talk.", I explained. "Oh really? Why?"

"Where are Bill and Matthew?", I asked before any awkward situations. "Oh yeah. They can't come. Their grandma is celebrating her 80th birthday, so..."

"Right, then it's probably just us three! Let's go!"

We bought tickets, for "the hobbit 2" and sat down to our seats. "Taylor, will you come and get some popcorn with me?", Amanda asked during the break. "Sure!"

"Okay and you Taylor, can you stay here and watch our things?"

She nodded. "Okay, come on!"

We went to the kiosk. "So, I need to talk to you. It's about Taylor.", she said. -------------------

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