Chapter 1

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Well, I thought it'd be great to take my life. You see no one cared or noticed if I was here or gone. Well, one person did... keyword did. That person was my Grandma Tilly. She would sit for hours and hours and tell me all about her fun times and everything. But almost two years ago now she had passed away in her sleep. I was told she died peacefully and experienced minimal to no pain.

But back to the now, well before the now. I was just a normal twenty years old. I had a history of attempting suicide. I think, well shamefully know I attempted to off myself four times. Each time failed and I knew why each of them did. I knew I didn't want to die, I just wanted to see if anyone would care if I did.

Every time though my Mom would just brush it off. Letting me stay the mandatory week in the children's Psychiatric ward for further evaluation. Each time she never came to visit me and each time I didn't see her till I got discharged.

Kids at school thought I was weird. I know it wasn't normal to talk out loud to myself at school but I couldn't help it. I thought of it as talking to my deceased best friend Kaitlin or my deceased grandma. I think of it like a diary but instead of writing it down I just speak aloud.  I believe that even though our family members are dead that they still roam around. Where else would they go?

Point is though I was the weird girl. I ate chip sandwiches, dipped fries in milkshakes, counted the number of steps it took for me to walk home, and overall talked to the dead. I didn't have much of a fashion sense nor did I talk much. School sucked I was constantly bullied for my differences as well.

Everybody avoided me, I understood why though. This included the whole town where I grew up. If I was on the outside looking in on someone like me I'd stay away too, so in a weird messed up kind of the way I understood. My Mom was embarrassed by me too I guess, which hurt the most. My grandma taught me everything she was supposed to and more, so much for parents, I guess. I just was happy when I was old enough to move out and into the house, my Grandma left me in her will.

The whole house was secluded and engulfed in the woods. It was a nice and cozy four bedroom, three bathroom house with a spacious living room, kitchen and even included a little office which I turned into a mini library. I even had my own little clearing—I went to daily—to visit and do nothing but read. It was beautiful and honestly, I knew I wouldn't be bothered out here. I had one friend—Emmie—who lived with me.

We had met our freshman year of college. She was just like me, well excluding the dash of weirdness. We met in our third-period class when she spilled her hot chocolate all over the front of my favorite dress. She felt so bad she helped clean me up and ever since then we were as thick as thieves. She was weird but the good kind, whereas I was the not so great kind. She told me she didn't mind my quirks and whatnot. But I know some of the perplexed her and even weirded her out. One time she caught me talking to myself and when I explained my logic she just smiled and left like that was that and never bothered me anymore about it since knowing it was a touchy topic for me. She's such a kind and caring person always putting herself before others she's exactly the kind of person I look up to.

I talk aloud more often now since my Grandma passed away. I mean she was the only person I was one-hundred percent myself around. But anyway back to the topic.

I was just coming out of my room with a copy of Bridge to Terabithia in my hands when I felt Emmie place her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Annie! Where are ya going?" She asks with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Oh, you know the normal reading spot in the woods!" I reply cheerfully.

She knows about my hidden spot but not exactly where it's located. I caught her trying to follow me one day. So instead of leading her to the clearing, I led her to my childhood treehouse. After that I never caught her trying to follow me again.

"Cool, cool! So I'm gonna head into town for a couple hours. I'll be back before dinner." She said leaning forward and kissing my cheek.

"Okie Dokie arti chokie!" Was my response before grabbing my backpack and filling it up with a bathing suit and snacks.

"Don't stay out too long Ann, you know I don't feel comfortable with you out in the woods alone when I'm not around." She says in a motherly manner.

I just roll my eyes and reply, "Yes mother, whatever you say!"

She just laughs and heads out the door. I sling my backpack over my shoulders and continue my journey. Finally, I reach the clearing. I forgot to mention it has a miniature waterfall and watering hole. The swimming area is pretty nice and it's also surprisingly deep. It's perfect for those long hot and humid summer days.

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