Chapter 3

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The next morning I wake up to hear Emmie talking to someone as I get closer the voice becomes more clear. I then realize it's our neighbors a few miles over to the right of us.

"Wonder what they want," I say to myself.

One thing everyone learns is I'm not a morning person nor am I very social or what you'd call a peoples person. There are very few people I tolerate, let alone like. The list literally consists of four people The Dean, my grandma, Kaitlin, and save the best for last Emmie! So when people didn't know or like come around I'm very shy and quiet.

Thank god I didn't have school today too. Just have to deal with the rude customers at work. I just so happened to work at the infamous McDonald's so of course, I get to deal with some of the rudest customers out there but hey it puts food on our table and helps with college so I deal with it. Like they say suck it up buttercup.

Never gonna get anywhere by crying about it so if it can't be fixed move on and get over it. But that's just it some days it's not that simple so I smile and just keep my mouth shut. But lucky for me, I had just been promoted to a manager position. The only downside is dealing with unruly teens and pissed off adults a dry about how their lives turned out, but back to the neighbors, I guess.

"Good, morning Oscar the Grouch!" Emmie practically yells when she spots me on the last step of the stairs.

"Jesus you mad woman why are you always so cheery in the mornings?" I asked wriggling my finger in my left ear.

"Uh, why not? It's another day I'm alive. Eh eh, you see what I did there?" She said referring to one of Sia's songs. She is one of our favorite music artists.

"Eh haha yeah and you got a good point there," I replied back laughing and scratching my leg.

"You would've said the same thing about waking up to live another day grandma." Every day was really a blessing. " So what did the neighbors want anyway?"

"Oh, you saw that?" She said solemnly looking down at her intertwined finger fidgeting her feet from side to side. This immediately piqued my interest.

"Yeah... what did they want?" I asked again looking at her expecting a response.

"Oh, their seven-year-old daughter hasn't come home since yesterday morning and were wondering if we had seen her at any point." She said her voice cracking.

That's when I look at her face to see light tears streaming down her face. Emmie's eyes were puffy and her nose red. "Did you see her at any point yesterday when you took your stroll in the woods?" She asks me once she straightens herself out after her little breakdown.

It made me think back to yesterday when I heard something around my secret spot in the woods. After not responding for a few seconds I turn to look at her fright filling my limbs and reply with a feeble, "No."

"Damn well that's a shame, maybe she went into the woods for a walk and got lost trying to find her way back home," Emmie said shaking her head side to side her wavy hear caressing her heart-shaped face looking like all hope was lost for the poor child.

I sat there thinking about the poor little girl out there cold and all alone missing her mommy and daddy. That's when I realized I was supposed to be getting ready for my morning shift at work. I quickly excused myself and ran back upstairs quickly throwing on my uniform. Rushing back downstairs I almost trip, but luckily I caught myself before I fell. Finally, at the front door, I grab my cars keys off the hook and rush out the front door heading to my 2016 Toyota Corolla. I bang my head getting into the driver's side. That's when I notice I forgot my bag. I turn around to get out the car when I notice Emmie with the bag interlaced within long delicate fingers. I roll the window and take it from her finally able to I head off to work.


Finally home from work I take a shower and get into comfy clothes, brew a cup of my favorite tea-black peppermint-and grab Bridge to Terabithia and lastly my snuggy. I head to my personal library and sit on my window nook. Unfortunately, my shift ended at eight which meant I didn't get out till eight forty-five and didn't get home till nine o three.

I had just got to the part in the book where they started painting the wall that golden color when I heard the doorknob jiggling from someone trying to open the door from the other side. For some strange reason, I've always locked any door that was capable of locking behind myself. I don't know why but I just did. "Hold on! I'll be right there!"

"No it's okay I was just wondering what was in here." a deep gravelly voice responded back from the other side of the door. It must've been Emmies brother Matt, I had forgotten about him already.

"Oh okay," I said slowly getting up from my little nook. "Its really no problem I should introduce myself to you anyway giving I allowed you to stay in my home." I quipped laughing approaching the door and unlocking it.

"Oh well thank you. I didn't want to intrude on your personal time." Matt said scratching the back of his head while sighing and looking down at his feet.

I didn't mean to make him feel unwelcome already when he's just arrived so I stuck my hand out. "Sorry, that was really forward of me and rude. Let's try that again. I'm Annie and you?"

"Ahah okay its fine really. I'm Matt. After all, it is your home and you're letting a complete stranger in. It's only natural to feel that way I suppose." Matt replied coyly grasping my hand and gently motioning it up and down. His hand felt like hed been privy to all kinds of handwork but I didn't mind reminding me of my grandpa's coarse hands.

After holding my hand for what seemed like minutes he releases my hand and steps back smiling down at the floor. I could immediately feel my face flush, hoping it didn't turn red as well. That would be embarrassing.

"Hey guys what's going on? See you two met without me. This one got away before I could stop him sorry about that Annabel." Emmie said laughing and looking sternly at her beguiling older brother.

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