Chapter 2

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Taking my beanie bag out of it's hiding place I plop it down right at the edge of the watering hole. I have a secret hiding stash that I keep around for safety and pleasure purposes. I have a safety kit and bug spray stash along with blankets, plates, cups, and towels. I don't use plastic or anything disposable. I keep a secret stash of environment-friendly soap and just wash the cups and plates in the watering hole.

After I get comfortable in my bean bag chair I start unloading my books and goodies. I use a flat rock as a make-shift table and place the snacks up there.

Cracking open my weathered copy of Bridge to Terabithia I start to read. After a while, the heat starts bothering me and I change into my paisley printed bikini. Rustling leaves catch my attention, but I pay no mind and continue getting dressed. No one lives around here for miles so I know it's no one, just an animal. Taking my sunscreen out I lather it into my skin. After that's all done I wade into the middle of the watering hole.

"Oh, grandma did you know about this beautiful place?" I ask aloud like I normally would.

My only response is the rustling of the trees the wind causes. Closing my eyes I allow my body to float on the surface of the water. I instantly feel the tension leave my shoulders and I start to relax.

I feel like someone's watching me but I just keep my eyes closed. After about an hour of just floating and swimming around, I get out and towel off. Throwing my clothes on over my bikini I check the time on my phone.


Oh crap, I need to head home! Hurriedly I toss my stuff back in it's hiding spot and in my bag. Quickly putting my flats on I start speed walking home.

I finally start to see the house come into view. I visibly relax when I notice Em's car isn't home. Walking into the house I throw my backpack down and head into the kitchen.

Looking around in the cupboard and fridge I take out what I need. Turning on the stove and taking out a frying pan I season two T-bone steaks.

Finally, I add onions and mushrooms to the stove top. Em, and I love sautéed onions and mushrooms along with our steak. Next, I set the oven to 350 degrees. Waiting for the oven to heat up I wrap up two sweet potatoes in tin foil.

Heading back over to the fridge I take out ingredients for a nice garden salad. While tossing the salad lightly in a vinaigrette I hear the door open.

"Annie I'm home!" I hear Em shout from the living room.

"I'm in the kitchen being a slave over our dinner hoe! Hold on and I'll be in there a second." I yell over my shoulder while I finish tossing the salad.

By now both steaks are done and so are the sautéed veggies. All that's left to wait on is the baked sweet potatoes. Throwing those in the oven after I slit a hole at the tops I head to where Em is.

I see the back of her head as I approach the living room. I find her sitting on the love seat in front I the tv channel surfing.

"Sooo!" I say making Em jump slightly.

"Gosh Annie what the fuckidy fuck fucks!" She screeches at me.

Laughing I just say, "What did ya' want Em?"

"Ohh, so know my older brother?" She asks her voice going up an octave towards the end.

"Yep Matt, right?" I say popping the 'p', rolling on the balls of my feet and raising an eyebrow at her question.

"Yeah Matt, well...he kind of needs a place to stay anditoldhimyouwouldntmindifhestayshere..." She says rushing the second half out into a jumbled mess.

"What the fuck did you say? Speak slower I didn't catch the second half." I say laughing at the constipated look on her face. Rolling her eyes she begins to speak again.

"He kind of needs a place to stay and I told him you wouldn't mind if he stays here." I look at her as if she's grown another head.

"You did what!?" I ask a little surprised and angry, but not too angry.

"You're not mad at me are you, Annie?" She asks pulling her famous pouty lips and puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh no he can stay but you better tell him the rules, alright?" I say turning around to go check on the baked potatoes.

"Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!" Is all I hear before my back is tackled with her hugs.

"C-Can't b-b-breathe, t-too hard. T-Too hard!" I wheeze out barely.

Finally, she let's go and I finish going to check the food. Pulling out the potatoes I place them on the countertop. Going over to the cabinets I pull out two plates and two bowls.

"Emmie dinner side!" I yell not realizing she's right behind me.

"Damn girl I'm right here no need to yell!" She practically yells herself before we bust out in a fit of laughter.

"Sorry didn't notice you followed me in her," I say feeling m cheeks heat up.

"Couldn't help myself the food smells delish BTWs!" She says stuffing an onion and mushroom in her mouth.

"Hey now! Hey! Get your dirty nubbies out the food." I shoo her away.

Piling our plates up with food we head into the living room. I got back to the kitchen to get me some juice and her a soda. When I get back in the living room I see she has the tv turned on the newest episode of Walking Dead.


Later the night I get a text from someone I don't know. It's weird cause the Dean, my mom, work, and Em are the only people who have my number.

(706) 443-2146 [11:03 pm]:

Hey, it's Matt, Emmie's brother.

Me [11:11 pm]:

Oh hey. You scared the shit out of me, btw how'd you get my number?

(706) 443-2146 [11:13 pm]:

Oh... Em gave it to me...

Me [11:14 pm]:

Oh okay... so what's up?

(706) 443-2146 [11:16 pm]:

Oh yeah, I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay. I should be over tomorrow afternoon.

Me [11:18 pm]:

Okay well, I might not be here yet my shift doesn't end till one and your sisters not till six...

(706) 443-2146 [11:19 pm]:

Okay, I'll just wait for you if you're not there it's not a big problem.

Me [11:20 pm]:

Don't be silly I'll just leave a key for you. Also, I'll make a note telling you which room is yours so you can move your stuff in. :P

(706) 443-2146 [11:23 pm]:

Okay, thanks again... Well, goodnight Annabel.

Me [11:24 pm]:

No problem and night Matt.

After I quit texting Matt I added him to my contacts and put my phone on its charger. Turning over on my stomach I tried to slip off into a deep slumber. After about twenty solid minutes I was welcomed into the Dreamworld.

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