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     "Yo Mark, Jellybean Jeno texted me on Kakao last night," Jaemin told his friend as he sat his tray down on the cafeteria table by him, plopping down on the seat after. 
     "Bro, really? That's good. I think you guys will really get along," The Canadian replies.
     "I don't think so," Jaemin chuckles, "He's a bit annoying."
     "It gets better," Mark rolls his eyes playfully. Jeno wasn't annoying. He was quite strange, but not annoying. Mark couldn't remember a time in their friendship that the younger boy had ever gotten on his nerves. 
     Jaemin felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He pulled it out to see a Kakao Talk notification. 
     New Message from Jellybean

Jaemin rolled his eyes, opening the notification. 
September 6, 11:42am
New Chat

nojam: hey Nana :)
nanana.jaemin: yo what's up
nojam: not a lot. I just wanted to talk to my new friend uwu
nanana.jaemin: whatever smh
nojam: also, aren't you in school right now?
nanana.jaemin: oh, yeah. we're on our lunch break though. 

what timezone are you in?

nojam: I'm in Vancouver, Canada, you're 16 hours ahead of me. It's 7:49pm here.
nanana.jaemin: yo i'm a fuckin time traveller
nojam: so tell me, Jaemin..
what's the future like?
nanana.jaemin: disappointing.

     Jeno smiles, his cheeks reaching his eyes. He already really liked Jaemin. He was glad he decided to seek out the younger boy. After hearing about all the good things Mark had to say about Jaemin, he wanted to become the boy's friend. Any friend of Mark was a friend of his. 
     "Ooooh hyung, why're you smiling at your screen? Finally got a girlfriend?"
     The high-pitched voice broke his train of thoughts. He looked at the green-haired boy in front of him, smiling widely as he hung onto his boyfriend.
    "No, Chenle. I met one of Mark's friends from his new school in Korea. I was just texting him," Jeno explains. Chenle thinks for a second.
     "Ooooh hyung, why're you smiling at your screen? Finally got a boyfriend?" The dolphin-like boy says again, changing the wording slightly. 
     Jeno rolls his eyes, not being able to keep his ears from flushing red in the slightest. He had just met the boy, there's no way they would or could be dating. He didn't even know if the latter was gay. 
     Jeno had invited a couple of his friends from school to spend the Thursday night over. They were out of school tomorrow, so their parents had no problem with it. Chenle and his boyfriend, Jisung, who was also a good friend of Jeno's, as well as the last participant, Renjun. 

     The four friends did this often on weekends. They'd gather up at one of their houses, order pizza and chicken and play games and watch movies, normal teenage boy activities. 

     "Do you like him, though?" Renjun piped up, not taking his eyes off of the retro Gameboy he held in his hands. 
     "Guys, I literally just met him yesterday."
     "Someone's avoiding the question," Jisung wiggled his eyebrows, an accusatory tone in his deep voice. 
     Jeno just sighed, not answering his prying friends. He targeted his attention back to the forgotten movie playing on the television.
     "He didn't deny anything," Renjun whispered to Chenle after he finally put down his game. The younger boy nodded in agreement, focusing his eyes on Jeno with a watchful glint. 

hhhh new chapter yay
I hope it's not too soon to be making Jeno be a little interested in Jaemin, even if he's in denial.
If you guys do think it's too soon though, don't worry because Jaemin isn't gonna comply so easily to falling in love with Jeno ;)
I shouldn't spoil too much tho, oops''
I might try to do more chapters like this, where there's only a small part of the chapter where there's texting. It's easier for me that way and that way, I'll be able to give you guys more content. It's really hard for me to make a lengthy chapter just with texting askkssjd
Also, for those of you who aren't comfortable reading more explicit chapters/scenes, I'll put warnings at the beginning of the chapter and right before the scene starts.
I hope you all enjoyed :) 

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