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October 7, 3:10am
New Message
nojam: jaemin?
October 7, 4:30am
New Message

nojam: it's been days since we've talked
October 7, 10:52am
New Message

nojam: text me back soon please, okay? :)
October 9, 6:42pm
New Message

nojam: i miss you 

 September 24, 8:22am
     Jaehyun came bounding up to Jaemin who had just sluggishly shut his locker, still annoyed at his online friend from being so kind to him. Jaemin honestly kind of wished Jeno was an asshole. Maybe if Jeno was a douche he would like him less, but no. Jeno had to be perfect, with a handsome face and a great personality. 
     Jaemin snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a familiar voice call his name. His ears perked and he looked up at his friend walking up towards him.
     "Hey, Nana!" Jaehyun called, smiling brightly at the younger boy, showing off his dimples. A lightbulb flickered on in Jaemin's mind and he suddenly felt dumb for just now thinking of this. 
     "Hey, Jaehyun. What are you doing after school?" Jaemin asked, looking up at Jaehyun through his long eyelashes and smirking internally as the older boy's ears tinted pink. 

     "Oh, no, I'm not. Why?" Jaehyun replied, looking down at Jaemin who was stalking towards him. Jaemin stopped close to Jaehyun and put his free hand on the taller boy's bicep.

     "Would you like to go out after school? Maybe to the cafe around the corner?" Jaemin smiled sweetly. 

     "I would love to," Jaehyun replied, his dimples showing and eyes shining in pleasure.
Jaemin headed to his next class, his mood lightened by Jaehyun agreeing to go out with him after school. This is really what he needed, a disctraction. Something to keep his mind off of Jeno for the time being. 

     Jaehyun watched Jaemin walk off, turning and pulling his phone out of his pocket, dialing the number he knew like the back of his hand once the younger boy had gotten out of earshot. 
     "Hey babe. I got him wrapped around my finger."

     The day droned on slowly, Jaemin couldn't stop losing focus. Staring out the window seeming much more appealing than listening to his teachers. Lunch finally came and Jaemin heaved a breath of relief, tersely excusing himself from the classroom and pushing through the peers crowded at the door. He met up with Mark and went through the lunch line, grabbing whatever edible food they could find. 

     Jaemin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he pulled it out, hoping it was Jaehyun. To his dismay, it was the person he wanted to avoid the most. He unlocked his phone with a sigh and an exasperated sigh and opened Jeno's text. 

September 24, 11:50am
New Message

 nojam: Hey Jaem :)
nojam: can we do a call when you get out of school today?

nanana.jaemin: I can't.

nojam: Aww, why not?

nanana.jaemin: I'm seeing someone after school.


Jeno sets his phone down on his bed, staring up at his ceiling. "I'm seeing someone after school"? What's that supposed to mean? Is he seeing a friend after school, or is it something more like a date? Jeno was sure Jaemin was starting to get at least a little interested in him. He sat up in bed, picking up his phone again and pulling up his and Mark's chat. 

BigheadJeno: Hey, Mark?

fullyuncapable: Yo what's up

BigheadJeno: Jaemin told me he was seeing someone after school

Do you know anything about this?

fullyuncapable: what
gimme sec i'll brb

     Mark throws his phone onto the lunchroom table, glaring at Jaemin who looked up from his food, wide-eyed.
     "What the hell, Mark?" Jaemin asks, picking up Mark's phone to check for any cracks. Mark sighs dramatically. Just when he thought his ship was about to sail, Jaemin had to be the BIGGEST dumbass out there.
     "Who are you seeing after school?" Mark asks, staring at Jaemin with an accusatory glint in his eyes.
     "What's it to you? You're not my mom," Jaemin snaps, rolling his eyes and sliding the phone he had in his hands over to the owner.

     "Jaemin, you're an actual idiot," Mark says and stands up, grabbing his phone and dialing Jeno's number as he leaves the lunchroom.
     "He said, 'What's it to you? You're not my mom,'" Mark tells Jeno over the phone. Mark had left the lunchroom out of rage and was currently leaning against his locker in the hall, annoyance clearly painted on his face.
     Jeno audibly sighs, "I'm not mad. I'm just... Disappointed. Mostly in myself for falling for him so fast."
     Mark clenches his jaw in frustration. "Don't say that, Jeno. I just don't understand why you would fall in love with an asshole like him." 

     "I don't know, either. I'm just drawn to him, for whatever reason. I realize he hasn't always been the nicest, and for the most part he's always annoyed by me. I can't stop being attracted to him, though. I don't know if he'll ever be able to return my feelings, but that's okay. I've accepted my face," Jeno jokes, chuckling lightly and trying to lighten the suddenly heavy mood. 
     Jeno didn't realize how much this affected him until he felt his eyelashes start sticking together with tears collecting at his eyes. He sniffed quietly, refusing to cry as he roughly wiped at his eyes. 
     "Jeno..?" Marks voice came through surprisingly soft. It made Jeno want to break down even more. Like he said, Jeno wasn't even mad, just sad and disappointed. He sighed, wondering why he had to have feelings for a boy who disliked him so much. He snapped out of his thoughts as Mark started talking again. 
     "Jeno, do you want me to talk to Jaemin about this?"
    The blond boy's heart leaped into his throat, "No, please don't. I don't want him to hate me even more. If he knew about my feelings, my death would be certain." The last part was meant to be a joke, but Jeno's voice sounded exeptionally grim and he exhaled in despair when Mark didn't laugh. 

     "I won't tell him about your feelings, just let me talk to him. Trust me, Jeno," Mark reassured.
     Jeno sighed in defeat, anxieties and worries still making the hairs on his arm stand on edge. When Mark had a set objective like this, there was no talking him out of it. 
    "Fine. Go ahead."
aaa I hope im not rushing things
I'm really sorry for the slow updates. I was actually meaning to get this finished and posted on September 24th but some things got in the way and I couldn't get it finished in time yikes. 
A little heads up, some unexpected angst on my part may be coming up soon oops. don't hate me pleaSE
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed. I'll try to get to updating more soon :)

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